TRENTO. the Covid enters the hospital in one of the most fragile departments such as oncology, among other things after the closure of the Giunta Day Hospital di Cles divert cancer patients to Trento. ”Exist some positive patients – confirm a the dolomites the director of Apss Pier Paolo Benetollo -. They have been apply the usual procedures that are configured for this case; the little sprout, exist 4-5 cases among hospitalized patients today, is well contained. “According to the data provided by the director those 4-5 positives result in approx. one third of hospitalized patients saw that the total is 16 people.
This, of course, worries and not a little especially family members also because these people were “ clean ” tickets in the hospital: for admission, in fact, it is control panel required and of course all had been negative in Covid. Something similar to there we had said it a few daysor do with a dramatic letter signed by the doctor Rossella Mazza who told him what happened to his mother in the hospital. Then months of isolation in RSA, attention, commitment on the part of all, including members of family cHe had to suffer and stay away from the lady, to keep Covid-free structure the woman had had a stroke and ended up in the hospital. Here, in a few days it recovered but, despite having a negative entry, it was positive. Returned in RSA had a respiratory crisis and she died the day after getting the swab result positive. They explain to the doctor that the mother had stayed with a person who later tested Covid positive swab.
”Exist people that even if a negative tampon is made at the moment from the entrance – Benetollo explains – yes they are incubating the disease it may happen that they become positive within. What we did was divide the apartment in two, one clean and one dirty, as they say. Health professionals believe that one or more of them had the disease incubating when they entered and – though negative for the input buffer – developed the disease in the following days. It is something that in this phase 2 happens quite often with us as in hospitals throughout Italy. ” In short, the the patients would have brought the virus inside in spite of the oncological, often immunosuppressed and particularly exposed to the risks associated with Covid, They should be the most careful. Obviously, according to Benetollo, this did not happen: the cancer virus entered with the patients.