Government plan B looks at the kilometers


Movements Between Common prohibited at Christmas, San Esteban and New Years: the Government, at the request of the Regions, seems to be willing to review the ban contained in the DPCM of December 3.

The Prime Minister opened himself to the possibility of remove the travel ban between municipalitieshowever, delegating the task to Parliament so that “everyone assumes their own responsibilities”.

But beware, it won’t be a free all: if the travel ban between municipalities is effectively lifted, in fact, they will come anyway other limitations introduced. And that is why we are waiting to give the official status regarding the possibility that even on holidays it is possible to circulate freely between Municipalities (but obviously only in the Yellow Zone Regions): we are thinking of a Plan B, to prevent the lifting of current restrictions from giving rise to a green light for all.

What could be the alternative? The hypotheses are different; This is what the rumors that circulate at this time tell us.

Transfers between municipalities: how will the ban be lifted?

Is increasingly probable the cancellation of the travel ban between municipalities provided for by the Decree of the Prime Minister of December 3 for Christmas, Saint Stephen and New Year. However, according to Conte, Parliament will have to decide – “assuming all responsibility“- if you want to present some except the smallest municipalities.

The objective, therefore, is in any case allow circulation within a limited radius: It is unlikely that travel throughout the region will be authorized.

In Parliament these days the examination of the decree of December 3 should begin and it is precisely at this stage that the part that prohibits travel on the aforementioned days could be canceled. It must be said, however, that of the camera slow down saying that a review of the Prime Minister’s Decree has not yet been scheduled and that such a change would also require Senate approval – a process that would be highly unlikely to be completed in time for the holidays. And here, then, that the only possibility seems to be that of a new decree, with the direct intervention of the Government.

Movements between prohibited municipalities, the alternative: here is plan B for Christmas and New Year

However, as Conte confirmed, “balance is neededOtherwise, the risk of a third – uncontrollable – third wave will become increasingly concrete. So we are thinking of a Plan B who could look at kilometer radius: in short, you would no longer look at the Municipality, but at the displacement distance.

In this case, two gaps in thelatest DPCM:

  • the first is the one that penalizes those who live in small municipalities, who are prevented from moving to another city even for a few kilometers;
  • the second is the one that, on the other hand, adopts an attitude that is too permissive for those who live in a big city. In this case, in fact, even long trips, as long as they are within municipal limits, are authorized.

Restricting movements on Christmas and New Years within a radius of one kilometer, therefore, would solve both problems. Still no rumors about him number of kilometers to be identified, but it seems very likely, although at the moment nothing is official yet, since it will have to be understood in primis how to cancel the aforementioned ban – what plan B will be just that.

The others that have been rumored in these hours, in fact, would not solve the two aforementioned problems in any case. For example, there has been talk of replacing it with the travel ban between provinces, but in that case, paradoxes would continue to arise (think, for example, of two neighboring municipalities but belonging to two different provinces or even to large provinces). However, the hypothesis of maintaining the closure between municipalities but recognizing one is not convincing Visiting Relative Exemption.
