The Dpcm regulating anti Covid-19 travel restrictions is still being discussed, in view of the vacation season. The Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, intervenes, confirming to SkyTg24 that he is faithful to the strictest line. “We want to continue to be very strict – he says – if someone wants to eliminate the limitations in all Italian municipalities, they will find us very against it, if instead we want a clarification on the small municipalities in the internal areas, that clarification will come”. Boccia continues: “If you need a standard, Parliament you can do it, you don’t need the government. If they ask the government for an opinion to eliminate restrictions for all cities, my opinion, like that of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, is against it. Anyone who wants to drop everything will put their face to respond to the Italians “.
However, despite Boccia enduring, the green light to travel during Christmas, Valentine’s Day and New Years seems to be a given. The limits will be there, but they should be related, as reported The messenger, me kilometres pass through. In the distances there could be exceptions, to make the restrictions less severe or, at most, freedom of movement could be given between smaller neighboring cities, with less than 5,000 inhabitants. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, however, from Brussels has invested Parliament with the responsibility of changing what was established by the last Dpcm and circumventing the obstacle of the intransigent ministers Boccia and Speranza, a way to avoid the frontal collision.
Technical times, however, don’t seem to exist and therefore the only solution would be to launch a new one. decree of the Government that corrects the previous one. But what does the Dpcm of discord contemplate? The Ministry provides that the return to one’s residence, domicile or domicile is allowed, with the exclusion of trips to second homes located in another region or autonomous province. On December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021 (days on which any movement between municipalities is also prohibited, except movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need, or for health reasons), this prohibition also applies to reference to second box located in another city.
The rule for those returning from abroad provides for the buffer within 48 hours of arrival or quarantined for 14 days. The circular also indicates that among the summarized needs, always with the obligation to self-certify, there is also the possibility of reaching out to family or friends who are not self-sufficient to provide assistance.