

Published on: 12/12/2020 3:41 PM
Why are so many people dying from Covid-19 in Italy? This question is answered by the immunologist of the University of Padua Antonella Viola, with a reflection on Facebook. “First of all, note, it is possible that our fatality rate suffers from lack of precision in the identification of positives, in the sense that there are more positives than we managed to intercept. This has already happened during the first wave, as demonstrated by the serological analysis carried out in the summer. This fact alone would screw up all the calculations. Then there is a problem, with respect to Germany, of organization and efficiency of local medicine. We have fewer doctors and fewer nurses, euLocal medicine that has been destroyed by cuts to health.. This means that the most fragile people, the elderly, are followed less by us than in Germany. Furthermore, if Germany invests twice as much in the health of its citizens as Italy, it is obvious that the effects will be seen. “
According to the immunologist, the reasons previously analyzed are at the base of a very high lethality in our country. “The fatality rate – he specifies – counts the dead among all those who have become ill or infected. In the case of Covid-19, Italy has a fatality rate of 3.5%: it means that every 100 positives, between 3 and 4. This rate is very high, taking into account that in France it is 2.4%, in the USA it is 1.9%, in Germany it is 1.6% “. What is the lesson to learn? “Invest in public health, in local medicine, in the training of doctors and nurses,” concludes Viola.
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