The preliminary hearing of the case ended Gregoretti in the Bicocca bunker room in Catania. First, former ministers Danilo Toninelli and Elisabetta Trenta were heard as texts, then Matteo Salvini issued spontaneous statements. There was a tough fight between the former Minister of Transportation and the leader of the League. “Salvini played hard and then dumped his responsibilities on others. Did you understand the topic?“, thundered the grillino. The response of the then head of the Ministry of the Interior was immediate:”Toninelli was not there, and if he was asleep“. The secretary of the Northern League has returned to address the issue in the press conference after the preliminary hearing:”Toninelli didn’t remember anything, I hope she remembers where she lives. Toninelli with me voted the landing bans. Everybody has a conception of consistency and personal dignity“.
Giulia Bongiorno, speaking of the deposition of the former minister pentastellato, confessed to having tried “so much shame, indeed a lot of shame for Toninelli“.”I expected everything except for them to tell me ‘I did not participate or I do not remember’“, he added. The lawyer, former Minister of Public Administration of the yellow-green government, remembers very well what happened at that time:”The competent ministers accompanied Conte to discuss these events with Salvini in the Council of Ministers and the ministers who were not interested in these issues were waiting hours and hours. the small group consisted of Toninelli, Salvini and Di Maio“.
Suspicions about the documentation
Lawyer Bongiorno reported that she had expected – during the preliminary hearing – documentation capable of effectively reflecting the facts, but did not hide certain perplexity because the documentation is “partial and incomplete“and therefore cannot be completely rebuilt”what happened“. The lawyer who assists the former Minister of the Interior has announced that the Ministries have only been given operational records of what happened during the landings:”They did not send what was important to send, that is interlocutions between the relevant ministers, the role of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs“.
As a defense attorney, she said she was able to say that the documentation previously obtained witnesses such as the redistribution it was an election made by a series of ministers and the presidency of the Council: “This redistribution, verified by the exchange of mail and letters, was delivered to me, but it was not transmitted to the gossip. We were interested in knowing who was involved in the redistribution of migrants and it is essential to know who participated in this process. We ask that it be provided to us at the next hearing.“What has to be shown is that the hard blow against him migrants Not only was he married to Salvini, but he represented the yellow-green line of government: “We are not against Toninelli or Conte or ministers who have made decisions but we want to avoid judgments by looking through the keyhole“.
“I defended the country”
“I proudly claim what we have done with colleagues. For me consistency and dignity are values. Together with my colleagues who worked with me, I assume the success of the policies to combat immigration clandestine. We have halved the number of dead, missing, injured, we have saved lives and protected a country, unlike what happened later“Salvini declared aloud at a press conference. The leader of the League continued to attack Toninelli grillino:”Thirty was not a minister of politics, he replied calmly and serenely on the basis of what he was entitled to. Toninelli spent two hours repeating I don’t know or I wasn’t“And he reiterated that in his mind there is not the slightest intention to fight against opponents in a courtroom”:I’m sorry for the amount of time and money Italians are spending, because someone in Parliament has decided to have a political process“.
Conte, making use of the prerogative provided by the criminal procedure code, asked Judge Nunzio Sarpietro to be heard at Palazzo Chigi. The GUP has decided that the prime minister will be heard on January 28 at 10 am “.On January 28, Palazzo Chigi will be transformed into a classroom bunker where Conte will be interrogated. The prime minister has decided not to go to Catania, but to have Catania come to Palazzo Chigi … his elections. From Conte I wait for the truth. Tell what happened, no favorsSalvini commented. Not forgetting the video in which the Prime Minister himself at the end of 2019 confirmed the involvement of the presidency -as has always happened- for the relocation: “This is not new, it was already clear. With regard to relocations, always, at the presidential level, with the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have worked to relocate and then allow disembarkation.“.