
“Don’t tell me that the opposition is not doing its job with courage and determination on behalf of the damaged citizens.” Maria Giovanna Maglie tweeted his endorsement of Matteo salvini, who took the first step and opened a communication channel with Giuseppe Conte. First there was an approach in the Senate, then the telephone contact: the secretary of the League insisted with the premier to review his position on the travel ban between small towns. And in fact, also thanks to the pressure of the majority, it seems that Conte was convinced to grant “exemptions” for the days of Christmas, San Esteban and New Years. “You can act differently, Maria Giovanna – commented a Twitter user – in the first place I advise against Salvini asking for things on his knees, in front of Ducetto Conte… at least a minimum of dignity. So picking up pizzas and starting to harass them wouldn’t be bad ”. However, Maglie responded like this, clearing up any doubts about the good work of the Northern League secretary: “He asked for nothing on his knees, asked on behalf of the angry Italians the openings between municipalities at Christmas and New Year. I think he achieved them by making it possible for people to meet each other and by revealing the futility and futility of the decision ”.

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