Covid Newsletter: Coronavirus data December 12. Contagions in the Marks – Chronicle


Ancona, December 12, 2020 – The new positives to Coronavirus in Market I am 451 according to today’s newsletter, December 12. The Marche Region Health Service has announced that 4139 swabs have been tested in the last 24 hours: 2765 on the new diagnostic path (of which 973 in the screening with the antigenic route) and 1,374 in the cured route.

Falls again the incidence between positive swabs in processed tests – that’s all 16.3% (While yesterday it was 22.9% in 2,846 tests. The day before 26.3%).

Mass projection Marche, fairs and sports halls for the test marathon

Contagions province by province

Below is the distribution of the 451 cases detected in the new diagnostic pathway: 87 in the province of Macerata, 95 in the province of Ancona, 98 in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, 68 in the province of Stop, 90 in the province of APiceno drain and 13 from outside the region.

How did the contagion occur in the Marks?

These cases include symptomatic subjects (67 cases found), contacts in home environment (96 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (136 cases found), contacts in work scenario (19 cases detected), contacts in life / social environments (11 cases detected), contacts in the healthcare environment (5 cases detected), contacts with the participation of students of all educational levels (18 cases detected), screening of trajectories assistance (7 cases detected) and 1 return from abroad. For 91 other cases, epidemiological investigations are still underway.

In the path Antigenic Screening 973 tests were performed and 23 positive cases were found (to be subjected to molecular swab).


Yesterday there were 483 new positives and 11 victims. The region, for the ministry, is classified as moderate risk. Rt at 0.8.

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