Recovery fund, 20 billion for the super bonus but only 5 for the mini extension of 2022


The Pnrr

A quota of 15 billion would replace the national resources already allocated for 2021. M5 ready for battle. The technical evaluation committee works to finalize the plan to bring to the CDM.

by Giorgio Santilli

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A quota of 15 billion would replace the national resources already allocated for 2021. M5 ready for battle. The technical evaluation committee works to finalize the plan to bring to the CDM.

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The Technical Evaluation Committee (Ctv), a structure led by Mef and Accounting, is finalizing the Recovery Plan. This is the version that the CDM will examine, probably next week if the political clouds raised above all by Italia Viva have been cleared (but there is also a hypothesis, for the moment completely improbable, of acceleration of the CDM to date or tomorrow). The Ctv details and corrects, files and adjusts the figures released last Monday from Palazzo Chigi on the division of the 196 billion of the plan between six areas, 17 clusters and 52 lines of intervention. Within these boxes there are already numerous projects more than sketched.



The end result of this work, hanging around in these hours, will be the basis of the political discussion in the CDM. There will be objections, proposals for rectification, chapters on which the conflict will open in the majority. Among these will be the Superbonus for which Parliament has asked with a resolution voted unanimously for an extension until 2024. So far the Mef has been cautious: in the budget law there is no trace of this extension and the deadline is set at December 31 2021. However, Minister Gualtieri himself has always said that the extension would be financed with the Recovery Fund.

Drafts and indiscretions – it is impossible to find confirmation because the work of the Ctv is as confidential as it has been in the last two months – speak of 20 billion destined to the Superbonus 110%. It would not be a small figure – even if the Mise requests were 40 billion – if it were not that three quarters, the 15 billion, would cover the measure already financed by 2021, while only 5 billion would go to the extension. for 2021. 2022. A brief extension, therefore: six months or less, depending on the amount that would remain usable for that purpose.

In short, we will see for the Superbonus the film already seen on infrastructures in recent days and that will be repeated for other areas of Recovery: a part of the sums assigned by the Pnrr will finance additional investments (or “additives” as the draft says) with respect to those already financed with national resources, while another part of the resources will be replaced. The real effect of individual projects (and the satisfaction of proponents) will cross the border between these two measures because it is clear that replacement funds do not bring concrete effects.
