Rent discount for houses in high voltage housing districts
Green light also to Daniele Pesco’s amendment (M5s) to encourage, in 2021, a reduction in housing rents in municipalities with “high housing tension”: the State returns half of the discount to the homeowner, up to a maximum of 1200 euros for 12 months.
Extension to June 30 of the strengthening of the golden power
The modification of the FDI has also been approved, which extends the strengthening of the golden power until June 30, 2021. The change, Adolfo Urso explained yesterday, “refers expressly to hostile acquisitions that may involve subjects of the European Union in strategic sectors for our financial and productive system “. The power of gold, added another signatory, Andrea de Bertoldi (Fdi), “is an issue on the agenda, since we are talking about Unicredit and the Italian banks. It is not just about the financial system, but also about the radio-TV system, so it may also have an impact on the Vivendi-Mediaset case.
School, daddy-linked gap recovery courses
Another amendment approved by the school affairs committees provides for in-person, extracurricular courses to fill the training gaps related to distance education. The modification of the provision establishes a fund of more than 5.5 million for 2021. The objective is to activate «extracurricular teaching activities in presence, with reference to the schools of the first cycle of education, also destined to fill the training deficiencies derived from the ‘ Teaching activity in an integrated or distance form, for the recovery of the curricular courses included in the three-year plan ”.
Private buses, NCC and taxis for the transportation of students.
Continuing with the school theme, in order to strengthen local public transport, given the need for distancing and compliance with other anti-covid regulations, Regions and Municipalities can sign agreements with private bus companies, holders of licenses for the exercise of the service. taxi service and rental with driver (Ncc). This is foreseen by an amendment to the Ristori law presented by the center-right and approved in the Senate committee. The resources are intended to provide “additional local and regional public transportation services, also for students.”
Fair compensation in construction work with tax credits
“Obligation to comply with the discipline of fair remuneration” with respect to professionals enrolled in Orders and Colleges in charge of carrying out the restructuring and remodeling of buildings and energy, within the framework of the “bonuses” that provide for tax deduction procedures. This is established by the reform contained in the refreshment decree, approved tonight, during the votes in the Senate, which also establishes how “the Minister of Economic Development, in agreement with the Minister of Public Function, guarantees control measures” on the norm, “Report infractions to the Competition and Market Authority”.