how much he earns, on the day of judgment Gregoretti – Libero Quotidiano


Lorenzo Mottola

The bunker room of the Bicocca prison in Catania is, in its way, a historical place. Over the years, characters like Mario “acchiappa e scinni”, Beppe “u sfregiatu”, Giuseppe “u pumpino” and Salvatore “Turi mbudda” have passed through here. And tomorrow morning at 9.30 we’ll be back too Matteo salvini from Milan, also known as “il Capitano”. The leader of the League risks a sentence as harsh as some of those imposed by the maxi trials of the mafia: fifteen years in prison for kidnapping for the Gregoretti case. The facts are known: the then minister had ordered to prevent 131 people rescued by the Italian coastguard ship from disembarking in Italy in July 2019. A stop for a few days off our coast, imposed to deal with countries Redistribution of refugees by the EU, as it actually happened. The maneuver had obviously been agreed with the entire executive, explained the defendant Salvini during the first day of the preliminary hearing. For this reason the judge asked to listen to two other exponents of the then government, Danilo Toninelli me Elisabetta trenta (responsible at the time for Transport and Defense), and also the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. However, the latter announced yesterday morning that he will not participate in the happy repatriation: he made use of the second title of article 205 of the Criminal Procedure Code which, due to his role, allows him to request “to be examined in the place where he exercises his profession” . It is not yet known when, but it will be the togates who will look for it.

Supermedia surveys, these figures?  The farce-Conte test: even the Italians have understood it

Then there is another fact of no small importance: tomorrow another audience will also be scheduled to listen, in addition to Luigi Di Maio, the current Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese. In fact, the Catania court requested and obtained from the Interior Ministry the documentation of 140 landings, many of which occurred after Salvini’s dismissal. In short, even the Conte-bis government could be called to answer for alleged abuses. So for the Cinquestelle all this runs the risk of being a sensational own goal: they were the ones who voted in Parliament the authorization to proceed against the former ally and now they will have to parade in court to justify themselves and remind everyone that the Movement was also involved in the Plan of “closed ports”, conceived by Carroccio but endorsed by the entire majority. And to complete the masterpiece of coherence, the Grillini will go to the Senate on Wednesday to approve the dismantling of the “inhuman” security decrees, which they drafted with the Northern League just two years ago. Another short circuit, after the Month. And this series of options is tearing the Cinquestelle apart: other MPs are preparing to leave the Cricket creature to challenge the new line on immigration. And, from a consensus point of view, things couldn’t be worse. Salvini goes to trial but grows another 0.8% and reaches 24.2%, leading the center-right at 48.7% (the data is taken from the average of the YouTrend polls of the week). The absolute majority of the coalition is one step away, while the Giallorossi fall to 41.5%. Also, a number that exists only on paper: it remains to be shown that at the polls all potential M5S voters would support a crowd with the Democratic Party and vice versa. Open-ended immigration questions are unlikely to help dem and pentastelados catch their breath. In fact, polls have always proved Carroccio right: almost 60% of Italians approved the closure of ports.

Despite this, Matteo takes a risk. “I am going to trial because I did what I promised the Italians,” he explained two days ago in an interview with Tg2Post, “that’s why I go to court with my head held high. Others end up there because they steal or scratch. And that of Catania is not the only process in progress due to what happened in his years at the Viminale. It happens that tomorrow, simultaneously with the Catania trial, a first hearing was also convened to discuss the events of the Open Arms in Palermo. Therefore, a postponement will be inevitable. The circumstances are very similar to those of Gregoretti, with the difference that in this case we are not talking about a Navy ship but a ship belonging to a foreign organization. The accusation of kidnapping, therefore, is very tense, because in reality the Spanish crew, having received the veto of the Italian authorities in the landing in Palermo, could have gone to any other port in the world. Where would be the limitation on freedom of movement or kidnapping? A thesis often supported also by journalists who are certainly not fans of the League as Marco Travaglio.
