TRENTO. ”Covid, the hidden epidemic of Trento: ghost swabs and false data ‘‘, headlines today Delivery courier one of his articles all dedicated to the analysis of data from the province of Trento and management with ”trick” to reduce the number of total positives, which Il Dolomites It’s been telling you for weeks National attention therefore go back to deal with the management of the pandemic in Trentino and, as happened in May, when Fugatti and associates had decided to interpret a a ministry circular in his own way making it through overnight from problem territory to COVID-free territory, the figure is really miserable.
That emerge a Trentino who tries to be smart but he performs such brazen acts that they are not intelligent at all ”We read between the folds of the dpcm” was the phrase repeated as if it were a mantra by President Fugatti a few weeks ago to ” avoid ” the norm and try to pay something more than others while remaining, however, within the limits of legality and this also seems to have been the philosophy in managing the pandemic. The national reaction to Trentino’s glaring mistakes, then, is necessarily slow and cumbersome and not too surprising: the Trentino is worth, on the national stage, as much as a district of Milan with me its 500 thousand inhabitants, is autonomous and in the last decades he has got used to all to be among the best and most responsible territories in the country. Besides the mistakes he’s making they are so marchiani that looks amazing.
And if you take itn month after May because Trentino admitted to have completely wrong (unique in Italy) to interpret a ministerial circular counting and communicating only the positives with symptoms for five days. An absurd that the dolomites He tried to explain in every way also to the council, numbers in hand, but that Fugatti and Segnana defended with drawn sword every day, at a press conference, publicly, rI admitted to the people of Trentino that this had to be done. That it was false was proven in the same days by the former rector of theUniversity of Trento Davide Bassi who had written a letter to the Ministry of Health to explain the problem and the response was immediate: ”About “The 5 day criterion”, This is an obvious misunderstanding of the content of the documents published on April 30” Trentino continued to make mistakes for more than a month when, in mid-June, without saying anything, without updating its citizens, without apologizing, without taking responsibility for what happened, it had to communicate all the positive aspects it had. it was forgotten on the way and returned to the canonical count like the rest of Italy.
Now you run the risk of finding yourself in the same situation soon. Trentino since November 1, it has practically stopped verifying the positives found with antigenic swabs with the molecular buffer, which the other regions have continued to do. However, according to the ministerial scheme, only those with a molecular buffer ended up in the cauldron of positives, and therefore Trentino managed not to show at least two-thirds of the positives it found. On the contrary, with the molecular we continue looking for the negativization of the patient and therefore all the healed ended up there, even those who had been found with the unhealthy. Result: in the last week of November practically each day they were more cured of the positives found.
“U.S – yesterday explained clearly Zaia responding precisely to this issue in a press conference – We do a lot of rapid tests and confirm all these analyzes with the molecular swab., as well as all close contacts of positive. Aspects that are interpreted differently in other RegionsThis is acceptable and not critical for anyone, everyone has their own public health plan. But nobody has the amount of tampons we have and a Ferrari can’t be compared to a Cinquecento“And the same had been confirmed to the Dolomites by the Alto Adige health authority. In short, Trentino has adopted its own strategy that might also make sense why put antigen-positive people in immediate isolation, avoided molecular swabs, and sped things up.
The error, therefore, it was not so much APSS but that was it politician: Fugatti, in fact, violated one of the principles fundamentals of democracy what is the transparency and has hides from citizens the real extent of contagion in the territory in an epidemic where only the collective consciousness of what is happening saves lives because it determines more careful behaviors. The error this time is enormous, very serious and despite the requests, requests from all categories, the order of the doctors, and the continuous questions that are also asked at the press conference by the Dolomites took Rome impose transparency in the province of Trento while neighboring Alto Adige, which however, it has always been communicated a complete picture of the infection Verifying the antigenic with the molecular, he began before Trento to communicate the positives as well. antigenic by anticipating ministerial requests and exercising their autonomy (which meant that we communicated that the positive is to the molecular but careful citizens that we also find x positive to the antigenic?).
And the joke for the people of Trentino by their governor is not over yet: in recent days, the Dolomites at the press conference asked for the real picture to be given (therefore, with the positives for antigens and molecular): so how many positive people? , currently in solitary confinement. Fugatti, once again, reported only the positive aspects to the molecular, some 2,500 people, a negligible number, the second lowest in Italy, while the “real” figure is probably well above 10,000. ”We give the molecular because the ministry He didn’t tell us to put on the overalls even with the unhealthy ones – Fugatti justified himself -. When he tells us we will. ” Once again we try to be smart, even if it is not in the least. the the last of the class who try to cheat in the end always get caught because they are not even capable of doing that and at that moment the consequences are much worse than a “sorry” even late.
”IS a scandal unworthy of a European society, like that of Trentino, with transparency in its DNA ‘‘, Il Messaggero writes, reporting the voice of former rector Davide Bassi. Next, the article explains what we have published many times also in the Dolomites rI also bring the analysis of Bassi with Trentino that if we look at the positives reported in Rome it would have data at least three times worse than those of hospital, deaths, intensive care throughout Italy (because the situation was almost identical to that of Alto Adige actually, only that the positives reported were less than two-thirds).
”The The province does not deny – continues the Messenger – but he says it was not a trick, because the ministry did not require adding the positives of the two swabs. The fact is that this sum is made by many Regions, starting with Veneto, which have chosen to fight the virus in all areas, even at the cost of ending up in the red band. Trentino instead has always remained in the yellow zone despite the stratospheric occupation of 70% of their intensive care beds. ”
‘At this point, Professor Bassi sighs, three questions require an answer: Who should pay the higher mortality caused by the general low alarm in Trentino? What damage has been done to neighboring regions that have behaved correctly by closing schools or businesses? And why the ministry and the Higher Institute of Health – who also knew everything – Does the nose catch them?‘.