What happens to the regions of the yellow zone as of Sunday, December 13?


Starting tomorrow, Sunday, December 13, Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Basilicata will abandon the orange and go to the yellow zone. The ordinance of the Ministry of Health was announced yesterday and also foresees that Abruzzo will become the orange zone while the Aosta Valley could turn yellow from December 20 along with Campania and Tuscany.

Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Basilicata: what happens to the regions of the yellow zone from Sunday, December 13

Yesterday, the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the ministry was evaluated by the Control Room of Italy, which brought a total of 50 million Italians to the lower risk area as the holidays approach. As expected, given that the coronavirus emergency numbers have improved with the October and November restrictions. The time when all of Italy could move into the yellow zone should therefore be December 20, just before the entry into force of the travel bans between municipalities and regions provided for by Decree Law December 2. 158. The ordinance has not yet been published on the website of the Ministry of Health, it should arrive today, but times will not slow down.

However, there is a case of Abruzzo: from the epidemiological point of view, and following the current measures, the region will move to the orange zone as of December 13 by order of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. This means that today it is in the red zone. Yesterday’s decision by the regional TAR suspends the order of President Marco Marsilio, an illegitimate court, who anticipated the orange area for December 7 and determines the return of Abruzzo to the red area until the order of Minister Speranza enters into force. effective as of December 13. The governor did not take it well: “The stubborn action of the government results in the foolish and schizophrenic return to the red zone, for a day, from a region that for two weeks has been showing constant values ​​of orange, now even tending to yellow “. .

Lombardy, on the other hand, rejoices, where meanwhile there are 2,938 new positives: 32,871 swabs were made, with a ratio of 8.9%. There are 132 victims, the number of people hospitalized in intensive care (-15) and in wards (-196) is decreasing. For a more peaceful future, the Covid vaccination plan is expected to start. “We have identified the 65 storage places that they asked us,” explained the councilor for Social Welfare Giulio Gallera. “All the provinces except Lodi now have a refrigerator capable of storing at minus 70 degrees and we are buying them so that Lodi has them as well.” Pfizer will administer the doses directly.

A new decree or an amendment for the exemption of travel between municipalities at Christmas and New Years?

Tuscany and Campania in the yellow zone from December 20: what changes in the regions

The impression He writes today that the easing of the grip will continue next week, when according to the figures confirmed yesterday by monitoring the 20 will go from orange to yellow Valle d’Aosta, Alto Adige, Tuscany and Campania, leaving only Abruzzo in the Orange range.

And precisely that Sunday they worry Speranza and the Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese, because millions of Italians could set out on precisely that day to meet with family and friends before the next day the ban on leaving the region sanctioned by the last Dpcm.

What changes in the regions that change from the orange zone to the yellow zone? In both areas it is forbidden to travel from 10pm to 5am (therefore, a curfew is in effect) and in the yellow one, in any case, it is recommended not to travel except for reasons of work, health or extreme need. In the areas of the orange zone, regional and municipal movements are prohibited, bars and restaurants are closed while in the yellow zone they are open until 6 in the afternoon. Shopping centers on holidays and the eve of holidays are closed in both zones, while in the orange zone, take-out and home delivery is allowed. The closure of museums and exhibitions, the capacity of public transport to 50% and the suspension of the activities of the arcades, bingo halls and betting rooms remain in both areas.

Meanwhile, in Italy, the RT contagion rate fell again from 0.91 to 0.82, but “the incidence of Covid-19 diagnoses is declining only slightly at the national level, still high and far from the levels that allow the recovery of the containment phase “, according to the ISS report. Fourteen regions now have a moderate risk and two even low” (Basilicata and Molise, which however have the Rt of 1.45), while There were three high-risk companies last week and now there are five: Emilia-Romagna, Trentino, Puglia, Sardinia and Veneto. New restrictions may arise after the holidays.
