There are many teachers from the South who work in the North, who want to go home before December 21st. Problems in sight for directors.
In the next few hours, regions such as Lombardy and Piedmont will go into the yellow zone due to the ordinance of the Ministry of Health. However, except for possible changes in the covid decree law, the travel rules remain the known ones, especially from December 21 to January 6, as the Government also recalled. These restrictions on travel from one region to another are also affecting the school: southern teachers working in Piedmont or Lombardy, for example, are already asking for permission or permission to return home before December 21, so as not to incur in sanctions. .
This means having discovered at least two days of classes. Two days without many teachers.
the Corriere della Sera reports some situations told by school leaders: “How could you ensure educational activities if a mass exodus occurred as in the first confinement? I wouldn’t even have time to tell my parents “, says Maddalena Di Muccio, dean of the Capponi comprehensive institute in Milan, who, in recent days, has received concern from many of her colleagues.
The director launches an appeal to the president of the Attilio Fontana Region: I would like the governor to ask the government for a repeal, so that both the right to study of children and the possibility for them and teachers to meet with relatives who live in other regions are guaranteed. In most cases, these are workers who are stable in precariousness, or who have been teaching here for years and have therefore moved their residence here, but who are alone. “
“The precarious are around 35 percent of the total and those who come from abroad are mainly in this category – explains Tobia Sertori, general secretary of Cgil Scuola Lombardia -. The real problem is what will happen in those days in primary and secondary schools, because in secondary school there is the father“.
Having their residence in the Region in which they have been working for years, for many teachers or ATA workers who return to the South to visit family and friends becomes difficult because, the New Dpcm of December 3, anticipates arriving home or residence in any moment. But if the requirement is missing, this will not be possible.