Another massive screening campaign, voluntarily and free of charge for citizens, to test more and more people, intercept new asymptomatic positives as quickly as possible and extinguish root outbreaks, starting with family members or at school.
Emilia-Romagna doubles down: after rapid serological tests aimed at the school world, from staff to students, with their families, nasal tests for the detection of the Coronavirus antigen, known as quick swabs in solo, also arrive at the pharmacy 15 minutes. Thanks to the second agreement that the Region has signed with the territorial trade associations of the affiliated public and private pharmacies, from Monday, December 21 to June 30, 2021 (possibly extendable), it will begin throughout the territory, from Piacenza to Rimini, this new epidemiological survey, potentially targeting more than 2 million citizens, approximately one in two residents.
During the preparatory work for the shared document, it was considered useful to collect both the positive opinion of the Pharmacists’ Orders of our region and the observations of the trade union organizations – Filcams and Fisascat – on the subject of strengthening organizational measures and protection of the health and safety of pharmacists. and pharmacists.
The news was illustrated today in a press video conference by the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, by the Councilor for Health Policies, Raffale Donini, and by representatives of the trade associations of the affiliated pharmacies.
The recipients, in addition to the pharmacists who participate in the project, are the same citizens of the screening started on October 19, the first of its kind in Italy, which allowed testing (with the participation of 939 affiliated pharmacies, 70% of those present in the region) and 309,000 people, of whom only 0.2% tested positive for coronavirus after confirmation by molecular swabbing.
The invitation to participate, valid for citizens who have health care in the region, is therefore for all schoolchildren and students from 0 to 18 years old and adults attending upper secondary education, with their parents (even if they are separated and / or non-cohabiting and guardians / host), brothers and sisters and other family members who live together, as well as grandparents who do not cohabit university students who have a family doctor in Emilia-Romagna and those who, although they attended here, attend universities abroad region of. And again: the personnel of the educational services 0-3 years old and the school personnel of all levels, including the training organizations that impart the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Itineraries and the students who assist them.
For everyone, there will be the possibility of taking the test once a month.
Once again a free operation for citizens thanks to the investment of the Region, which will reimburse pharmacies € 16.76 for each test, including the supply of material, individual protective equipment and payment for the service.
“Another precious, quick and cost-free tool for the public to identify new asymptomatic positives, to limit and extinguish any outbreak in the outbreak,” affirm President Bonaccini and Commissioner Donini. We leave no stone unturned to combat the virus and prevent its spread, starting with families and schools, which we have been monitoring for some time with traditional serological tests and, since mid-October, also with rapid ones. We thank the pharmaceutical unions and unions for their great availability: we have come together to offer citizens a new opportunity to know, with total security, if they have come into contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus, for the tranquility and protection of health, loved ones and the entire community ”.
“We are talking – adds the president and the councilor – of an additional economic and organizational effort, which is really substantial, also because we give the possibility of carrying out the rapid test at the pharmacy once a month. We trust that the response will be very high: we can only win the battle against the virus together, with the maximum responsibility of each and everyone ”.
How to join the campaign
To take the test, just make an appointment with the pharmacist, consulting the list of affiliates on a site that will be available and constantly updated in the coming days. The pharmacist will be in charge, during the reservation phase, of informing the citizen that the activity will be carried out in self-diagnosis. In the case of minors, a parent or guardian must give their consent and be present to test the minor himself. The activity will always be carried out in compliance with all safety measures, from the mandatory and correct use of the mask, which will be lowered only at the time of taking and then repositioned correctly, to hand sanitization, from temperature control body to spacing.
Precisely because it is a screening aimed only at people without symptoms, for the safety of citizens and pharmacists, the test cannot be performed if in the last 10 days you have had close contact with people affected by Covid-19, if you have a fever. above 37.5 ° C or respiratory symptoms. For citizens in these conditions, there are other active paths.
Test result
The pharmacist will register the data of the person subjected to the test in the Regional Pharmacy Portal; The result is sent to the public health doctor of the local health service and the family doctor. In case of positivity, the citizen must remain isolated at home avoiding contact with other people, waiting to be contacted by telephone by the Public Health Services of his Ausl to perform the nasopharyngeal molecular swab, which may confirm or not the presence. of the virus.