The government remits decision-making responsibility to Parliament any exceptions to travel bans during the end of the year holidays. Boundaries, Brussels Prime Minister Conte explains, can “create an objective problem. Those who live in a big city and have close relatives have the opportunity to move. Those in smaller towns may have some difficulties. If Parliament, assuming full responsibility, he wants to introduce exceptions in the smallest municipalities, within a limited radius of one kilometer, we will return to this point. Parliament is sovereign. But great caution in any exception. “
“I hope the government makes common sense prevail over Christmas trips, in whatever way is considered most appropriate. “Thus, the leader of the Democratic Party at the Palazzo Madama Andrea Marcucci return to the Christmas Decree and the changes hypothesized by the Government. “I reiterate that I am absolutely in favor of the rigor chosen in the last measures – he emphasizes – but I do not understand the meaning of the objections that are addressed to me. If a Roman citizen, at Christmas, goes from one neighborhood to another, he does not compromise public health. If, on the contrary, another citizen does it, going from one country to another neighbor and certainly traveling fewer kilometers, does it become a danger to public health? ”.
The fact that the government is evaluating the gods provincial limits to travel “It is not a victory for Salvini, I think it is a victory of common sense: we told Conte that he limits movements within the same province or at most a numerical limit. If all of Europe does not put limits between municipalities, I do not want Italians are separated at home between families. “The leader of the League said so Matteo salvini in Telelombardia. “Health comes first, no one thinks about the end of the year holidays but I have also spoken with many doctors: there is no scientific motivation to close people at home as there is for the municipality. In any case, let’s put numerical limits ”, proposed Salvini. .
“For Conte, Parliament is sovereign only when it serves to get the chestnuts out of the fire in government, in all other cases it is possible to proceed with decrees and votes of confidence.” Thus, the deputy of Forza Italy Annagrazia Calabria commenting on the statements of Prime Minister Conte during the press conference in Brussels. “The center-right – he continues – has never been afraid to assume responsibility for making decisions in the interest of Italy. Obviously, the same cannot be said of the prime minister who, with his blame game, confirms that the only priority is the protection of armchairs and their image ”, he concludes.
“The hotel restaurants are open the night of December 31. We ask the Government, which has been open to the amendments to the Christmas decree, accepting our requests to annul the prohibition to move between municipalities on holidays, to evaluate the opportunity to insert a derogation for the restaurants of the accommodation facilities, foreseeing a opening. even after 6 pm, in accordance with all security regulations “ UDC Senator Antonio De Poli che becomes a spokesperson in Parliament for a request launched by the mayor of Abano Terme, Federico Barbierato, in favor of spa hotels.
“I’m not saying you have to give everyone the green light It would be irresponsible, I’m just saying some cases of family reunification, of close relatives so as not to leave a relative alone or in need “is” a matter of common sense “to think about. Thus, the president of the Conference of the Regions and the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano bonaccini who, guest of Radio Capital, commented on the hypothesis of movements between municipalities on holidays.
Down the hard line the Governor of Campania De Luca: “In these two weeks we are playing for the future of our country”added: we must have the strength to resist all demagogies today, we must have the courage to say that this year christmas and new year do not exist otherwise we are going to disaster“.