Coronavirus in Puglia, data for Friday, December 11


Coronavirus in Puglia

Coronavirus in Puglia © ViviWebTv

Data related to the Puglia region regarding positivity for Covid-19 was revealed.

In Puglia today they have registered 11,223 test for infection and are positive results 1,813 almost, divided as follows:

Positive cases
Bari 667
Bat 332
Brindisi 215
Foggia 258
Lecce 103
Outside the region 7
Low attribution 12

In addition, today in Puglia they have registered 3. 4 deaths, of which 10 in the province of Taranto.

878,289 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency. 18,460 patients have been cured. There are currently 49,991 positive cases.

The total of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 70,319 divided as follows:

Positive cases
Bari 26,917
Bat 8,111
Brindisi 5,271
Foggia 15,767
Lecce 5,421
Outside the region 435
Low attribution Four. Five
