More than 20 nuns infected, “We are tried and tired”


Practically all the sisters who are guests of the “María Dolores” retreat house, the structure that houses the sisters of the Servite Congregation of María Riparatrice in Rovigo, are positive. “We try to defend ourselves as best we can and stay as far away as possible, always wearing the mask – explains Sister Maurilia – there are 22 of our positive sisters, three have mild symptoms.”

“Luckily there is the support of Ulss 5 Polesana – continues Sister Maurilia – he is following us, the doctor has returned today. There are three of us who are bedridden, some have symptoms, others are asymptomatic ”. As for how such an infection was possible, Sister Maurilia has no idea. “We do not know how it could have happened, this virus is invisible – his words – we are tried and tired of this situation, luckily there are people who give us a hand, but we need a lot of support, we are all elderly.”

Another round of tampons is due today, in the hope that they will start to turn negative. The “María Dolores” retirement home of the Servants of María Riparatrice is located inside the convent in via Cappuccini in Rovigo. It is a structure that welcomes old, sick and sick nuns. The house was built in 1952 to offer the sisters, who had given their whole lives in the various fields of the apostolate and mission, a welcoming and quiet place, where they can spend more time in prayer, live the values ​​of our charism in mutual service and being assisted in their physical and spiritual needs.

The community can accommodate around thirty sisters, the 24 present at present are of more or less advanced age. In addition to prayer, the sisters commit to doing small jobs, the proceeds of which are used to support charity on behalf of many brothers in need of their missions. In addition to the older and sicker sisters there are other sisters, also not so young anymore, who with their service tend to the others most in need with much love.

Assistance is provided by lay employees, both nurses and assistants, who are joined by several volunteers who alternate every day for various activities: manual work, singing, gymnastics, reading. Unfortunately, during this blackout period, many of the daily activities were suspended for obvious health reasons.
