Covid Quick Swab in pharmacies: in Emilia Romagna it’s free – Chronicle


Bologna, December 11, 2020 – After serological tests, in the pharmacy I also arrived free quick swabs by children and students 0-18, but also for the adults enrolled in high school, University students assisted in Emilia-Romagna, even if they attend universities outside the region, and students of vocational education and training courses. THE tampons can be done with the respective parents, brothers me members of the family, planned cohabiting, e grandparents.

The voluntary screening campaign will start throughout the territory in December 21 It is also aimed at all school personnel, educational services for 0-3 years and training organizations that offer VET courses.

The operation is the result ofagreement between the Region and the Associations category of pharmacy associated. It will be a way to intercept the new asymptomatic positives as quickly as possible and to extinguish any root outbreaks, starting with those of the family or the school.

The citizens involved in this voluntary detection operation who will end on June 30, 2021 and runs from Rimini to Piacenza, are more than 2 million, about one in two residents.

“Another precious, fast and cost-free tool for citizens to identify new asymptomatic positives, to limit and extinguish root outbreaks,” said the President of the Region. Stefano bonaccini and the regional health councilor, Raffaele donini, during the press conference to present the video. We are talking – adds the president and the councilor – of an additional, economic and organizational effort, really substantial, also because we give the possibility of carrying out the rapid test in the pharmacy once a month. We trust that the response will be very high: the battle against the virus can only be won together, with the maximum responsibility of each and everyone ”.

Recipients, in addition to pharmacists Participating in the project, they are the same citizens of the screening launched on October 19, the first of its kind in Italy, which allowed testing (with the participation of 939 affiliated pharmacies, 70% of those in the region) and 309,000 people , of which only 0.2% tested positive for coronavirus after molecular swab confirmation

For everyone, there will be the possibility of taking the test once a month.

Once again a free operation for citizens thanks to the investment of the Region, which will reimburse pharmacies € 16.76 for each test, including the supply of material, individual protective equipment and payment for the service.

Quick swabs at the pharmacy: reserve

To perform the test it is enough make an appointment with the pharmacist, consulting the list of members on a site that will be available and constantly updated in the coming days. This is an exam for individuals only symptom free, that’s why for the safety of citizens and pharmacists the test cannot be performed if in the last 10 days you have had close contact with people suffering from Covid-19, if you have a fever over 37.5 ° C or respiratory symptoms.

After performing the test, the pharmacist will record the data of the person undergoing the test in the Regional Pharmacy Portal. The result comes referred to public health physician from the assistance company Usl and that of general medicine. In case of positivity, the citizen must remain isolated at home avoiding contact with other people, waiting to be contacted by telephone by the Public Health Services of his Ausl to perform the nasopharyngeal molecular swab, which may confirm or not the presence. of the virus.

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