Emergency Covid, the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca calls for strict measures and warns: “This year, Christmas and New Years do not exist.” But before addressing the issues related to the pandemic, the President of the Region opens his usual weekly monologue on Facebook with a topic that does not concern the emergency of the coronavirus, but rather the central node of the political agenda, the management and use of resources. . of the Recovery Fund.
“In the background – De Luca argues – there is a political problem that for us Southerners represents the main problem: the government’s hypotheses configure one more robbery against the southern regions. Most of these funds go to Italy to bridge the gap between the southern regions. The government instead imagines doing the opposite. We must prepare for a clear and strong political battle to prevent this theft from consuming itself in the indifference of the country and other regions of the South. We must prepare – he emphasized – in the coming days we will try to propose a meeting with other southern regions to give a strong institutional response, also to verify whether the various ministers of Campania give signs of existence or not ”.
The main theme of the social sermon continues to be the containment of the Covid-19 hemidemia. De Luca affirms: “Our Region is calling for stricter measures. We are at war and January will be decisive: we will have the flu peak between the end of December and the beginning of January, so if we have a resumption of contagion and an explosion of the traditional flu we will not we can “vaccinate against Covid. We must have the courage to say that this year Christmas and New Year do not exist. They must be days of family and religious remembrance, they cannot be vacations, otherwise we will go to disaster. In Naples we still have a thousand infections a day, for this we must be very careful. Even a lunch with twenty family members can be a risk. Let’s limit ourselves to having meetings only with family members who live together. Today would be an act of irresponsibility above all for our relatives, for our children, for our elders. “
Campania, says De Luca, “was saved because it made difficult decisions before the government. We closed schools a month before, we introduced the obligation to wear masks. In some cases we also suffered urban wars, but we have done.”
The President of the Region accuses the City Council of Naples for managing the red zone established in the Scampia Roma camp: “We cannot even get a chemical toilet from the City Council.”
Regarding the school, the Governor of Campania emphasizes: “We will probably have the resumption of school activity in presence after the Epiphany. Obviously we see how the epidemic evolves, but it is good to prepare to do whatever is necessary, the school income , perhaps with different schedules, everything necessary to have a safe recovery ”.
De Luca confirms that as of tomorrow, Saturday, December 12, the temperature controls of travelers in transit will begin at Capodichino airport and at the stations: “We must do everything possible to avoid contagion from other regions of Campania.” And he asks the government not to give in to demagoguery about the ban on reaching second homes. “
Then De Luca bitterly disputes, calling it a “shameful act of speculation on the skin of Campania”, the advertisement of the Milan Cancer Institute posted on a Naples bus. “Here we have national sanitary excellence”, underlines the president of the Region.
There is also a coup from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte: “The Prime Minister – De Luca is sinking – declared that in the current government there are the best ministers in the world. He told us that it is, let’s take the Ministry of Education, for example. We are released later. decades of poor people like Francesco De Sanctis, Benedetto Croce, poor people who have governed the Ministry. At last today the light has come with Minister Azzolina. The world is like someone who does it in his head “.