Today, the report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and an ordinance of the Ministry of Health will bring Lombardy and probably also Piedmont and Tuscany to the yellow zone from December 13. While for Campania we will still have to wait. These are the predictions about the regions that will change color with the ordinance that will be signed on the night of December 11, pending the yellow zone for all of Italy, scheduled for the second half of December.
Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany: the regions of the yellow zone as of December 13 (and Campania?)
As for Lombardy, confirmation came in recent days from the President of the Region Attilio Fontana: “Starting Sunday, Lombardy will officially be the yellow zone. This morning Minister Speranza informed me that, as in previous times, the The ordinance will be signed on Friday, it will be published on Saturday and it will come into force on Sunday It is confirmed that the trend in the figures in Lombardy is decreasing both with regard to the circulation of the virus, as well as hospitalizations in ordinary and intensive rooms. A result achieved thanks to the virtuous behavior of all Lombardi, whom I thank once again. I urge everyone to continue on this path of daily responsibility that allows us to keep the virus under control, “said Fontana.
Governor Alberto Cirio, for his part, has not anticipated anything in recent days regarding the possibility of returning to the yellow zone, but Piedmont must also be part of the list of regions that will change color with the order of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. Meanwhile, for the third consecutive day the new cases of positive Covid in the test have remained below 1000: 1952, 906 and 974. Cirio reiterated that vaccinations will begin at the end of January 2021. “We have already presented the plan for the phase one, to vaccinate all health personnel and all RSA guests, the delivery of vaccines is scheduled for the last week of January ”. We have already transferred all the details to the commissioner both for the storage of the vaccine and for the distribution to Cirio adds to all the hospitals and more than 700 residences for the elderly, we have already decided – in phase two, the one that expands the range to others subjects and for which regional competition comes into play even more directly ”. Meanwhile, Repubblica announced yesterday the move to the yellow zone attributing it to an advance from Speranza to Cirio.
And Tuscany? “It will be the Scientific Technical Committee who will decide when Tuscany will go down to the yellow zone: but as in Tuscany the RT has also fallen below 1, we have the conditions to be at any time,” Governor Eugenio Giani said in recent days. yesterday the Tuscany Region formally transmitted to the government the request to advance to Sunday the 13th the departure of the orange zone in which we entered on the 6th and which, as a practice, should last at least until December 20. “We have had data from the yellow zone for three consecutive weeks. The RT, the contagion index, is now firmly below 1.25, now it is at 0.7. And it would really be a sensational disparity if we stayed in orange while Lombardy and Piedmont turned yellow with twice the number of infections. Especially since there are regions in yellow like Veneto that have five times our infections “, say the technicians according to Republic of Florence. But she cautions: Hope isn’t convinced. Also Basilicata, writes the Ansa agency, increasingly sees the return to the yellow zone materialize, with the hope, therefore, of leaving the orange in which it entered on November 11. In recent days, infections have been in sharp decline and also other parameters – such as the Rt contagion rate and the covid seat occupancy, both constantly improving – could be decisive in the decision to be taken tomorrow, after the opinion. of the Technical-Scientific Committee, by the Ministry of Health.
Dpcm in Christmas 2020 or new decree: how movements between municipalities and regions will change
The regions that could change color with the decree of December 11
For Campania, write today the morningInstead, the yellow zone could be postponed. Although in the region the percentage of positive swabs is decreasing: in the last 48 hours there are 1,198 positives (of which 99 are symptomatic) out of 14,106 swabs, according to data reported yesterday by the Crisis Unit. A percentage, therefore, of 8.49 and lower than the previous day (8.57%), although 58 deaths were registered. But according to the newspaper, it is not yet time to relax:
A promotion for a number of regions would be on the way this weekend: Piedmont, Lombardy and perhaps Tuscany should move into the yellow zone. While for Campania, which ended up in the orange zone after Lombardy, only a descent to the zone of least restrictive measures is looming for December 21. Just a few days before Christmas.
Meanwhile, however, Vincenzo De Luca has signed a restrictive ordinance that contains measures to “limit mobility in general and between municipalities as much as possible, in the line of preventing rigor and avoiding contagion as much as possible.” The ordinance provides, for the holiday period, the prohibition of moving to second homes even in the region and also provides, as of this weekend, “rigorous controls at the main train stations in Campania and at Capodichino airport for a prevention and follow-up operation that also makes it possible to identify people on the move without motives or symptoms. ”The Crisis Unit of the Campania Region reiterates that“ it is essential to have rigor and a sense of responsibility today to avoid dramatic situations to from January. “In this period, the local health authorities will carry out random checks of the body temperature of travelers arriving at the Capodichino airport, as well as at the train stations of Naples, Naples-Afragola, Salerno, Caserta, Benevento and those of Battipaglia, Agropoli, Vallo della Lucania and Sapri (the latter for trains that make interregional connections). body height greater than 37.5 or even mild symptoms related to Covid, a rapid test will be performed, with subsequent molecular smear in case of positivity. The competent authorities are asked to ensure the reinforcement of controls on the territory, in the light of the foreseeable substantial return during the holidays of Campania citizens from other regions or from abroad. Alto Adige also hopes to return to the yellow zone: according to Thomas Widmann, consulted by the Tageszeitung, Alto Adige is “ultra-yellow”. According to Renate Gebhard, interviewed by the Tageszeitung, Minister Azzolina has already given him the go-ahead for the reopening of the secondary school as of Monday. The Dolomiten installers reiterate their request to be able to open for Christmas only for residents. Governor Arno Kompatscher, interviewed by the Tageszeitung, says that “in January we will have a total blockade if we think we can have a Christmas as usual.” The Suedtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung in italics appeals to Kompatscher to be “in this situation like Luis, that is, to show that I am the boss.” The Austrian government is still tough on admissions over the Christmas period. In fact, there will be no exception for those who return to Austria for just 24 hours, as requested by Tirol, announces the Tiroler Tageszeitung.
What changes from the orange zone to the yellow zone?
What changes in the regions that change from the orange zone to the yellow zone? In both areas it is forbidden to travel from 10pm to 5am (therefore, a curfew is in effect) and in the yellow one, in any case, it is recommended not to travel except for reasons of work, health or extreme need. In the areas of the orange zone, regional and municipal movements are prohibited, bars and restaurants are closed while in the yellow zone they are open until 6 in the afternoon. Shopping centers on holidays and the eve of holidays are closed in both zones, while in the orange zone, take-out and home delivery is allowed. The closure of museums and exhibitions, the capacity of public transport to 50% and the suspension of the activities of the arcades, bingo halls and betting rooms remain in both areas.
“Until January 15, this Dpcm will remain in force, but many regions in these weeks will go from the orange zone to the yellow zone, so we are restoring spaces of freedom,” said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, when speaking in the broadcast. registered, door to door. “It is clear that one thing is the red zone where all shops are closed and another is the yellow zone where there are more contained limitations,” he continued, “we must be able to endure these two very insidious weeks of Christmas, it is winter, we are indoors, the spaces they are less ventilated because it is cold. “