Coronavirus, the first doses of vaccine arrive in Lombardy on January 15: “We are preparing”


The date circled in red on the calendar is January 15. In Lombardy, the anti-covid vaccines should arrive in the first month of the new year. The forecasts were made by Giacomo Lucchini, operational director of the vaccination plan, who explained that “the planning of the structure of commissars foresees deliveries as of January 15 and we are preparing for that date.”

According to what Lucchini announced to TgR, therefore, in Milan and in other capitals the first doses should be delivered in the middle of the month, at least according to the calculations of the government commissioner, Domenico Arcuri.

Target, storage points and refrigerators: this is how Lombardy is prepared

“The characteristics of the first vaccine, both for administration and storage, require health structures and therefore we will start from those,” added the operations manager, indirectly confirming that the region is thinking above all about the plan. ” logistics “, seeking to find facilities for the storage of doses and refrigerators at -70 degrees – a tender was launched to buy 90 – necessary to store the doses.

Lucchini himself then reiterated what the “alignment” will be, established by “criteria identified at the national level.” We will start from the “most exposed categories, in this case health and social health workers and guests of the RSA”. Then “with the arrival of the new doses, the first phase that will last until March, we are going to plan the opening to other categories, the more than 80 and then those of more than 60”, he concluded.
