Regional plan for the Anticovid vaccine: en Campania The first specialty coolers for the storage of Pfizer vials have arrived and the rest will be delivered by suppliers on December 20. Everything should be ready by January 15th. Ema, the regulatory body for medicines in Europe, intends to move on. The meeting scheduled for the end of this month will be moved forward to December 22 to earn a week on the scheduled roadmap. The first doses will be able to be distributed to the regions from the middle of next month. Just yesterday, from the health management of Palazzo Santa Lucia, headquarters of the Campania region, a note was sent to the directors of Asl and hospitals. The request comes from Rome from the curator of Domenico Arcuri. An Excel file that must be completed to start the recognition of the organizational structures involved in view of the administration phase of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine that will be distributed, in fact, in about a month.
Arcuri requests to know for each ASL the referring personnel of the hospital pharmacies with their contact information, the composition of the available vaccination teams (doctors, nurses, Oss, administrators), which will be available seven days a week with shifts of eight hours. And then the composition of the mobile teams (a doctor and a nurse) to reach the Rsa or the elderly at home. The available means, the units and types of freezers, the internal and external spaces to be used and the exact number of subjects to be vaccinated belonging to the Rsa. News that will be transmitted to Rome without fail tomorrow. In Campania they have already been identified 25 storage points in an articulated model in all the provinces with hub center and peripheral radios. All locations will be equipped with ad hoc refrigeration cells, suitable for storing antidote vials, partly already available, partly ordered and already delivered, and others for Christmas delivery. In the city of Naples, the role of center will be entrusted to the hospital of the sea, in Naples 2 to the north the hospitals of Pozzuoli, Ischia, Gugliano and Frattamaggiore are involved. One of the 700-pound coolers has arrived here, the others are delivered. In Naples 3 there are two centers where the vaccines will be stored: Nola-Pollena and Castellammare-Gragnano. The 5 hospitals also participated in Caserta: Aversa (which already owns the blood bank refrigerators), Marcianise, Maddaloni, Sessa Aurunca and Piedimonte Matese. The local health authorities of Avellino, Benevento and Salerno were regulated at the same point. In the first phase, it will be health personnel and members (including employees of providers of goods and services) who will be subjected to prophylaxis. Then it will be the turn of the staff and users who are guests of the shelters for the elderly (Rsa). A vast audience of around 130 thousand people, including administrators, who will absorb for the most part the contingent of the first batches of 340 thousand doses that arrive in Campania to be administered in double doses. Therefore, it will be up to the young and healthy to get vaccinated last.
The expected organizational effort is enormous. In total, Italy has chosen 202 million doses, In addition to the 26.92 million vials from Pfizer / Bnt, those from AstraZeneca (40.38 million doses), Johnson & Johnson (53.84), Sanofi (40.38), CureVac (30.28) and Moderna (10,768 million). The obstacle to overcome is that of logistics and administration. Even if not everyone has the obstacle of temperature and the cold chain that must be respected, almost everyone has a remember within a set time of 15, 18 or 21 days. The organization must be careful not to generate waste. In addition, vaccines must be prepared since each vial produces five doses that will be administered in a specified time. It is necessary to dilute, extract, prepare the vials. The plans in Campania in almost all the local health authorities are already outlined, but the difficult part is not the initial but the general one. We will need a capillary network that involves all public bodies in the territories. Each hospital unit must be able to vaccinate at least 2,000 people or more, but with multiples of a thousand in 15 days. For each hospital unit thus identified, the number of personnel operating in it, for any reason; the number of health and social-health personnel in the area, who will be able to reach the hospital in no more than 30-60 minutes.
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