Covid vaccine, Arcuri: “Ready from 29, let’s start with Europe” – Chronicle


Rome, December 10, 2020 – Vaccine for COVID-19, today Domenico Arcuri, Emergency Commissioner, takes stock of the administration in Italy, afternoon compared to the breed of France and Germany, (not to mention the Britain, where the vaccination campaign has already started). Regarding the differences between countries, the commissioner explains: “We hope that vaccination can begin the same day in all European countries, it would be a good day. I believe that no country in Europe will start before us“.

As to data, “We are ready for any day after December 29, and we are happy if it will be sooner rather than later ”. He explains: “The European certification body has announced that the certification of the vaccine is likely to be completed on December 29. Pfizer and on January 12 that of Modern. If this will be, as we expect, fromlast ten days of January the campaign of mass vaccination we have prepared “.

Coronavirus, the newsletter for December 10

The call to the doctors

“We will do one open call for the personnel who will have to help us in the administration of vaccines – says Arcuri – We hope at the peak of the vaccination campaign to be able up to three thousand doctors And till twelve thousand nurses. In Italy there are new graduates, trainees and retired doctors still in full capacity to carry out their work. I appeal to these categories: give us a hand, it will serve the country. We must all help. ”

Covid vaccine, the application is coming

Poste Italiane and Eni are helping us in the implementation of an application, it is a very complex system in which there will be many components: a call center, elements of traceability, recognition and possibility of feeding the information systems of the regions and the health ministry in the implementation of a kind of vaccine registry equal to the one that exists for all vaccines administered for the Italian population ”.

The knot of syringes

“Many companies that have submitted offers declare ready to deliver the syringes already in December. From the first day we will have the syringes that are used to administer the vaccines. We are deciding to have them all delivered to us incenter of Pratica di Mare – assures Arcuri – We asked for 158 million syringes and around 1,500 million have been proposed, 10 times more ”.

Vaccines, rapid administration

Then the promise: “We assure that we will not fulfill not a dose of our vaccines in our warehouses for our negligence and we are willing to start the most effective, efficient and quick administration possible. “For Arcuri” we must do it all together, all together we will be able to transform fear into freedom forever. “

The vaccination plan for the elderly

Older people to be vaccinated “will be contact by phone, through younger family members and general practitioners who follow them. There will be no problem losing some Italians. After this tragedy, nobody deserves it ”, explains the emergency commissioner.

Also vaccinate immigrants

When asked about vaccinations for migrants, the commissioner responds: “The regular immigrants are endowed with rights equal to that of all citizens. “Arcuri recalled then that Italy will have 202 million doses of vaccine: “We can vaccinate 101 million people. The objective is to vaccinate the entire population for the rest I will follow the Government’s indications on the subject, but I am sure that common sense and reasonableness will dictate them,” he concluded.

“Free vaccine for all, obligation for no one”

“The vaccine will be free for everyone, mandatory for anyone – Arcuri later confirmed at a press conference – Right now the whole world is waiting for the result of the certification processes of the competent authorities in the USA, Europe and Italy, the actors that must authorize do not put vaccines on the market. At this time, no vaccine has definitively passed this certification process, which has also been diligently accelerated to get out of this tragedy ”.
