Fragile teachers: if the teaching activities are at a distance, why can’t they carry out the service in an agile way, from home? The request comes from Gionata Ciappina Secretary of the Sicily Region of the Federation of Schools CONF.IAL in support of teachers who have been declared temporarily unsuitable (the so-called fragile worker) due to the risk associated with exposure to Covid-19.
Let’s post an example
“I am a secondary secondary teacher, recently declared temporarily unfit for the position while the health emergency lasts (not in the fragile category in the strict sense, introduced by recent regulations) and I would like to know if, at least once I have entered En Father vigor, we teachers with insufficiency that, in fact, is linked to the presence in the school, we went to the smartworking mode like the other colleagues (and no longer in the office sickness, as initially foreseen by the ministerial note n . ‘September 11, 2020, if the change request to another job within the ATA profile has not been submitted).
This is not entirely clear, in fact a colleague of mine from ***, in the absence of such a question, was taken into consideration by the school, the idea of carrying out activities at a distance always as a teacher (a project that, however, to date , has not been activated yet) “.
How could returning fragile teachers be used for distance education?
Since they cannot be reassigned ownership of the classes that existed before the decree on the condition of fragility, the union proposes some solutions.
“In order to avoid the perpetration of further serious psychological and material damage to the interested parties, intervene promptly so that teachers have the opportunity to return to the service fulfilling their functions in accordance with their professional profile in an agile manner, on the same date as teachers who, quarantined by covid-19, were able to teach remotely with a support teacher in attendance in their classrooms.
In this sense, support and remote work can be varied and agreed upon together with the direction and needs of the institution and can affect, for example:
- be supportive of classes and teachers with fragile subjects or students in quarantine;
- strengthening activities and remote recovery of the children of the Institute;
- inclusion within activities designed for the civic education of children;
- support during training courses or lectures given by teachers throughout the year;
- cooperate and support the management in organizational and / or didactic activities;
- support and motivation for reading with possible remote loan of the books present at school “;
Frequently asked questions USR Veneto
In support of this thesis, a FAQ from the USR Veneto
“What changes for the so-called“ fragile ”workers with the Decree of the Prime Minister of November 3, 2020?
With the expansion of the DDI to 100% in second cycle schools, the condition that – faced with characteristics of fragility recognized in a worker with the consequent attribution of temporary incapacity to perform in the specific teaching function, could disappear, in reference to the pandemic COVID 19 – allowed the interested party to benefit from the legal institution of the use in other tasks or of the absence due to illness equivalent to hospitalization (on these characteristics and especially the procedure related to workers called “fragile”, see note MI n 15858 of 11.09.2020).
In this sense, the provisions of art. 26, paragraph 1-bis, of the decree-law of August 14, 2020, n. 104 became law on October 13, 2020, n. 126 that, by modifying a provision of Legislative Decree 18/2020, establishes that, from October 16 to December 31, 2020, public and private employees in possession of a certification issued by the competent medical-legal bodies, which certifies a risk condition derived from immunosuppression. or the results of oncological pathologies or the performance of related therapies that save lives, including workers in possession of the recognition of disability with a serious connotation in accordance with article 3, paragraph 3, of the law February 5, 1992, n. 104, “they usually perform work performance
in an agile way, also through the assignment to different functions included in the same category or area of employment, as defined by the current collective agreements […]”Consequently, the Company Physician may review, where appropriate, the judgment of non-fitness and in accordance with art. 5, c.”
Letter from Confial to the Catania school office