covid emergency
twelve, December 10, 2020 – 08:40
A document addressed to Prime Minister Conte asks for precise indicators beyond which to suspend lessons in presence. Under Vesuvius the model seems to work
from Mirella Armiero
University and school teachers of various degrees are the promoters and first signatories of an appeal on “Education and health” addressed to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. A call to find a balance between the two elements, based on precise indicators. And surprisingly, the very battered Campania that closed schools before the others seems to have done well with this decision. The appeal is signed among others by pedagogues such as Cristiano Corsini from Roma Tre and Valentina Grion from Padua, physicists such as Alessandro Ferretti from the University of Turin, mathematicians such as Marco Isopi della Sapienza, specialists in infectious diseases such as Claudio Puoti from Rome and many others.
“The ruthless number of infections and hospitalizations, intensive care and deaths show the entire world that the West is paying dearly for the inability to plan a systematic response to the health emergency,” the document’s opening reads. So which application begins with the appeal? “In light of the recommendations of experts from various disciplines (medicine, biology, physics, mathematics, etc.), we propose the following percentages as guard thresholds, calculated weekly in the different provinces: positive / people analyzed (daily Protection Bulletin Civil): 5%; currently positive for every 100,000 inhabitants (same source): 20; deaths / positives in the last 30 days (ISS daily bulletin): 0.6%.
Exceeding two of these indicators should lead to the closure of lower and upper secondary schools. “To testify that this strategy is the correct one, we read again:” It cannot but be noted that Campania, where the closure was organized before the rest of the country, soon emerged from the ranking of the first three regions in hospitalizations and intensive care “(present in its place Lazio, yellow zone), despite the high population density of many Campania municipalities and the high number of isolated dwellings (second region, after Lombardy) “.
Finally, the kindergarten chapter: “For kindergarten and primary school it should be noted that so far infections and quarantines have not escaped the 3-10 age group. Therefore, if the first or second threshold is doubled or a fatality rate of more than 1% is recorded (third indicator), in any case the suspension of face-to-face teaching should be foreseen. “And precisely on the day that Angela Merkel also proposes encouraging dad, as a containment strategy, the appeal also goes to the political level: “From the didactic point of view, there has been a polarization of the debate, aimed at attributing any dysfunction of the educational system in the distance. Although distance education has its limits, a measured use of this form of teaching can help limit the spread of the virus. Therefore, it is necessary to make the effort to frame it pedagogically, taking care to establish sustainability and quality criteria, an operation that has been culpably neglected in recent months.
December 10, 2020 | 08:40