There is a date. On December 22, the government, under the guise of the Ministry of Health, will appear before the judges of the Lazio Administrative Court. There third quarter section a decisive battle will be played in the long tirade of the “secret plan” anti–COVID-19, the document drafted, discussed, turned into the object of political controversy, denied and declassified, but never officially made public. The TAR will have to decide whether to condemn the ministry to disclose the file, as requested by the deputies of the Brothers of Italy. And then close (perhaps) one of the most mysterious chapters in the fight against coronavirus.
The story is now well known. Everything revolves around the document cited by Andrea Urbani in a famous interview last April. The member of the CTS and director of the Ministry of Health said that in the early stages of the emergency they had adhered to a very specific “secret plan”, but with such dramatic prognoses of infections that it was preferred to keep it hidden. The news shocked the regions, it was mostly in the dark. “We certainly have not received a health emergency plan,” he reveals in Coronavirus Black Book (read here) Vittorio Demicheli, member of the Lombard working group. Roberto Speranza he was summoned by Copasir and was quick to dismiss everything as a banal “prognostic study.” Actually, whatever the Bergamo prosecutor says, inside there are not only “hypotheses” but also indications about how to react to a possible infection: the provision of masks, the increase in intensive care, the increase in hospital beds. It is no coincidence that it is called an “operational plan.”
The rest of the story is a mass of affirmations and denials, oddities and unspoken. When reporters ask the Ministry and Civil Protection for a copy of this act, they only receive the study carried out by Stefano merler, a researcher at the Kessler Foundation, one of the first to hypothesize the Covid tsunami when Prime Minister Conte still held the belief that “we are very prepared.” For a time the two documents are confused, but they are different. In fact, on February 12 Merler presented his work to the CTS, which immediately created a working group to “produce, within a week, a first hypothesis of Operational plan for preparation and response to different scenarios of possible development of a 2019-nCov epidemic“Some drafts are born, the experts meet, the Minister Speranza He sees it already on February 20, then it is analyzed in various meetings of the CTS until its final version is approved on March 2 (which will be updated in the coming days). The government assures that it has not secreted it and that the discretion was required by the Cts, but the sources of the Giornale.it they ensure that even the level of confidentiality is “enforced.” Better not show it to anyone.
Therefore, the unsolved questions are endless. For some time there have been those who have tried to get answers. In April, the deputy FdI Galeazzo bignami access the documents to obtain all the circulars and documents cited by Urbani in the famous interview. The ministry, however, is silent. At that moment, the honorable member returns to the office together with his colleague. Marcello Gemmato. Result: no response. The parliamentarians then decide to resort to the TAR because “if they have something to hide they will have to say it. If they have nothing to hide, they will have to give us the document. ” The plaintiffs criticize the ministry for “the illegality of the kept silence” and ask the judges, as mentioned, to condemn the government for publishing the “secret plan”. The State Defender’s Office, which defends the Ministry of Hope, immediately appeared in court “to resist the appeal.” The legal battle was waiting for the start of the Tar, which has finally arrived: the game will be played on December 22.
“We asked the Ministry of Health to present these documents. But the government, who in public says that he wants to collaborate with the center-right, is denouncing us so as not to give them to us – he tells the Giornale.it Bignami – We have been asking about them since August and to date they have not contributed anything or answered all the questions we have raised. “The objective is to obtain answers, also because many things have happened since October: controversies.” in the file ofwho retired, the maneuvers of the Bergamo prosecutors, the complaints presented to various prosecutors, the start of the investigation into the government’s errors by the Brescia magistrates. “They should not try to give us Merler’s study – Bignami reiterates – otherwise the complaints will start. Italians must be able to know what was in that plan mentioned by Urbani. The International Health Regulations prescribe, through the risk communication lines, transparency and communication. If the government has nothing to hide, why not give us these documents? Maybe someone really works under cover of darkness. “