“From 11 noon to consume standing at the bar”


New regional ordinance for Veneto. To announce it, on Thursday December 10, it is Governor Zaia from the headquarters of the Civil Protection of Marghera. The new provision will be in effect from Saturday December 12 until the expiration of the Dpcm scheduled for January 16 and aims to avoid concentrations in all places considered risky, with special attention to weekends.

“The virus will disappear only with the arrival of summer – Zaia began – vaccines will help us but it will take time. We will start with healthcare workers and the elderly in nursing homes. By September 2021 we hope to have started the vaccination of all citizens who wish to do so. Contagion curves are in slow decline, the Rt index is going down but the commitment in the hospitals is still very high. Obviously, if we had made a new lock, the curves would have collapsed. We managed to stay in the yellow zone, without extreme restrictions, but citizens must do more to avoid meetings, especially in view of Christmas. If you are going to visit a relative or receive guests who do not live together at home you have to keep the mask. Meanwhile, the government has not shown any openness to the forefront of prohibited movements between municipalities. A pandemic like this has never been seen before. The virus had been around for months long before January. For all these series of reasons – concludes Zaia – I have decided to make a new ordinance to limit meetings, especially on weekends and considering how December 8 passed with people around even in the mountain areas hit by bad weather. In addition to confirming almost every aspect of the previous ordinance, we have added some new features.

The new ordinance

  • The use of masks is mandatory, even sitting at the bar table.
  • A customer can enter stores with up to 40 square meters of sales area at a time
  • In stores larger than 40 square meters, access should always be limited
  • Whenever possible, weekly markets should be closed
  • Starting at 11 in the morning in bars you will no longer be able to consume standing up to avoid gatherings from aperitif time
  • The mask should also be kept while sitting at the table before and after drinking / eating.
  • Only one person per household can enter supermarkets
  • The shopping time slot dedicated to people over 65 will go from 10 to 12

The Azienda Zero Newsletter

Regionally, 4197 new positives were registered in Veneto in the last 24 hours. Of these 427 cases, 20 thousand molecular swabs made in Veneto were loaded late by an individual. Qasu 40 thousand quick swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of positives in the swabs performed is 7.27%. 3,222 hospitalized, 357 of which in intensive care (surpassed the record of 356 hospitalizations registered in March). Another 148 deaths in the last 24 hours. In the province of Treviso, 462 new infected in the report on Thursday, December 10 in the morning. There are currently 13,628 positive cases, while 35 people remain hospitalized in intensive care: 20 in Treviso, 7 in Vittorio Veneto, 5 in Montebelluna, 2 in Conegliano and 1 in Castelfranco. In the non-critical area, 98 patients were admitted to Ca ‘Foncello, 106 in Montebelluna, 67 in Vittorio Veneto, 50 in San Camillo, 19 in Conegliano, 15 in Motta di Livenza and 2 in Castelfranco Veneto. In community hospitals 28 patients in Treviso, 15 in Vittorio Veneto. Finally, four people who lost their lives between yesterday afternoon and this morning.

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