Paris and Berlin compete with vaccination. Pfizer ready, only Italy is late


Rome, December 10, 2020 – Pfizer can deliver your serum to the last 300 vaccination points within three days after the green light from the Ministry of Health. Therefore, it is not clear why, given that the EMA should approve the vaccine on December 29, the start of vaccination in Italy was originally scheduled between January 20 and 26 and only now we are trying to anticipate it perhaps by 15. Yesterday Commissioner Arcuri said that all European countries will be vaccinated at the same time: “I deny that there is someone who vaccinates before and some others after.” This statement contrasts with the timetable provided to date by Arcuri himself and the fact that Germany, Belgium and France will start no later than January 7, but perhaps already on 4. “The vaccine vials – observes a spokesperson for the Italian branch of Pfizer – I’m …

Rome, December 10, 2020 – Pfizer is capable of delivering 300 points of final vaccinations your serum within three days of the green light from the Ministry of Health. Therefore, it is not clear why, since the Ema should approve the vaccine On December 29, the start of vaccination in Italy was originally scheduled between January 20 and 26 and only now we are trying to anticipate it to maybe 15. Yesterday, Commissioner Arcuri stated that all European countries will vaccinate at the same time : “I deny that there will be someone who vaccinates before and others after.” This statement contrasts with the calendar provided to date by Arcuri himself and the fact that Germany, Belgium and France will start at the latest January 7th, but maybe already 4 “. The vaccine vials – observes a spokesman for the Italian branch of Pfizer – have already been produced and are ready in our factory in Belgium. After the EMA approval, we will await the formal request from the Ministry of Health and from that moment we will deliver in three days in air and land vehicles, directly to the vaccination center ”.

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In this way, Pfizer could deliver by the end of January 3.5 million doses. Apparently, even the possible lack of refrigerators capable of storing the vaccine at -75 ° (a shortage reported in recent days by just over 10% of the 300 vaccination centers) is a surmountable problem. Vaccines will be shipped in dry ice insulated thermal containers (and equipped with sensors with gps transmitters to allow remote monitoring from Pfizer) that are capable of storing doses (195 to 975 per container) for up to 30 days if guaranteed “refill” dry ice spot every 10 days and then for another 5 days at -8 °. So the problem is not in the availability of the first batch of vaccines. And it shouldn’t be the authorization process. “Vaccines – notes AIFA, the Italian Medicines Agency – will be authorized through a centralized procedure by the EMA, which works in a network with the competent authorities of each Member State. The authorization thus obtained will be valid in all EU countries. The opinion issued by the EMA will be forwarded to the EU, which will issue a final decision, binding on all Member States. Italian validation will be almost immediate but, at the moment, there is no basis to indicate a precise day. “

As for Ema, the director Emer Cook said the other day that “the preview of the data we have received is positive in terms of efficacy and safety” and that “we will probably speak on December 29 for Pfizer and on January 12 for Moderna.” The astral conjunction seems positive. And if so, why wait for mid-January?

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“Times must be adjusted – observes the immunologist Roberto Burioni – Because every day there are people who get sick, people who die and the economy continues on its knees. What do we want, wait? If the EMA approves on the 29th, and they tell me that the approval could also be anticipated, I think we should start as soon as possible. ”“ Vaccination -continues Burioni- must be done in an authorized center, with the necessary precautions, but it is not a complex operation. I don’t see any reason to postpone it for a couple of weeks from theoretical availability. From a scientific point of view, when independent bodies like the FDA and the EMA, who follow different but rigorous procedures, say that the vaccine is effective and safe, I don’t have to wait. We cannot and must not waste time. It would be intolerable. “

With the first phase of the Pfizer vaccines that will arrive in Italy in January (just over 3.4 million doses), it is expected to vaccinate 1,874,000,000 Italians who will be chosen from among health and para-sanitary workers (1,404,037), RSA staff and guests (570,287), and then those over eighty (4,442,048) with preference for those with more than one chronic illness, according to a list that is being developed. Vaccination will continue in February and March, as millions more doses arrive and then spread to other sectors of the population.
