Marta Fascina defected from the vote of the Month, crazy rumors about Berlusconi’s girlfriend and denial of the person directly affected – Libero Quotidiano


There are 16 deputies from Forza Italia who “disobeyed” Silvio Berlusconi, deserting the House at the time of the vote on the green light to the Month. And among these 16, in addition to Renato Brunetta (absence that made a lot of noise) was also there Marta Fascina, the Knight’s girlfriend for nine months. It was noticed with a little delay, distracted by Brunetta and Polverini. Still, the Fascina was absent. Possible? Why? Couple breakup? Unlikely. Perhaps, it is supposed, it was a kind of message that Berlusconi wanted to send both to his allies and to the government. The fact is that the pageantry has gone crazy, so much so that Forza Italia has issued a press release stating that “in addition to Brunetta and Polverini, there are no other Forza Italia deputies who have not participated in the vote. for political reasons. recorded absences this morning They were predicted and justified for health or personal reasons.Marta Fascina was justified in absence, anyway. He was probably in the Marina di Valbonne villa, right with Berlusconi. But the din did not stop, so much so that the person concerned spoke: “My absence is not at all comparable to a dissent from the political line of President Berlusconi and Forza Italia. My unwillingness to participate in today’s vote was known and communicated in advance to the group ”, concluded Marta Fascina.

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