would have been present in the abuses- Corriere.it


Also there Girlfriend of Alberto Genovese, the businessman imprisoned for having stunned and raped an 18-year-old girl with drugs, which is being investigated in the Milanese investigation that is also collecting elements on other alleged acts of violence that the man allegedly committed. From some testimonies to the process The businessman’s girlfriend, Sarah B., 20, would have been present during some abuses.. Additionally, researchers are also investigating other violence, in addition to the one against the 18-year-old and the one that would have happened in Ibiza. And they will investigate alleged abuses, also in Ibiza, said Monday on the Pray 14 broadcast on Rai2 for another young woman, which so far has not filed any complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office.

The witness’s story

I learned that there are rumors about Genovese, specifically it is said that He and his ex-girlfriend, whose name I don’t know, used to drug the girls at their private parties and then rape them., had already recorded one of the young women who attended the party on October 10 in the luxurious attic of the businessman, who that night, according to the investigations, raped the 18-year-old girl. This witness, however the same one who started the investigations for Villa Inferno in Bologna. Even the girl who allegedly suffered abuse in Ibiza last summer (she reported a few days ago, and Genovese is now investigating this episode as well) had told Flying Squad investigators that the businessman and his ex-girlfriend invited me to come to my room that day, to do another streak of cocaine, I followed them and asked if I could do 2CB. They agreed and I went (…) Since I walked into my room and pulled out a pink narcotic strip that I thought was’ 2CB, I don’t remember anything.

Accused of competition

From what has been known, researchers, to carry out the necessary investigations, challenge participation in violence and drug transfer. At the same time, based on the testimonies of many girls present at the parties and the analysis of the images of the cameras in the apartment, as well as the videos and photos found on the devices seized in Genovese, Deputy Prosecutor Letizia Mannella and PM Rosaria Stagnaro They are also investigating other alleged incidents of sexual violence and drug transfer. Investigations that for these crimes can also continue ex officio (without complaints) and that in fact will lead to the registration of Genovese in the register of suspects for other alleged abuses.

The story at 2 pm

I don’t want it to be said that the drug that confused him, not to say that the fiancée didn’t know it since she was there. Him like a serial killer, serialI want to clarify it because everything was very premeditated, I had this bad habit: this was described by a girl who attended 5 parties in Ibiza and allegedly suffered an attempt of sexual violence by Alberto Genovese during the Ore 14 program on Raidue. At the end of the last night that she spent in Villa Lolita, the girl stayed alone in the room with him and his girlfriend: He closed the door and started being nice, dancing with me. So he got aggressive and started touching me shoulders, one side and then the rear. He started trying to undress me – he said – I tried by all means to avoid myself and I told his girlfriend to tell her to stop, to help me, to tell him not to touch me. He was taking more drugs, I saw his gaze and his behavior change minute by minute. and I was very scared. At one point – he continued – I had a moment of terror, he was too close to me and there was a kind of semi-struggle. Then, with the excuse of going to the bathroom, I managed to call my boyfriend. When he realized that he had asked for help, Genovese got really mad and kicked me out like I was a dog, without me being able to take my bag, my shoes, my personal effects. I was shocked. As for Sarah B., I do not know if she is in love – said the girl – certainly very dominated by this personality: Genovese gives you everything or takes everything from you, devil or saintexplained the girl in her story on which the researchers intend to investigate. I could not stop the violence and therefore did not have the courage to report, But I know that it is very important to do it – she concluded – I was very scared by the situation and I was saved by a great mental clarity: I realized that something was wrong and I managed to get out of that situation even though it took me 30-40 minutes to understand how. I advise everyone to report because such people should not exist.

The footage from the cameras

The magistrates are putting order in a material without limits: six months of images (they are available until last May), recorded by the 19 cameras of the security circuit of the house in Genovese, the attic called Terrazza Sentimento in the center of Milan, elements recovered through mobile phones, but also the testimonies of the girls. Genovese, Arrested on November 6, currently detained in San Vittore.

December 9, 2020 | 16:14

