President Attilio Fontana posted on Facebook the news that the region will be a yellow zone as of Sunday. Watch the video.
“REon Sunday December 13 Lombardy will be officially the yellow zone“. This was announced by the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio fontana explaining that he spoke with him this morning Minister of Health Roberto Speranza that “as in previous times, on Friday he will sign the ordinance, on Saturday it will be published in the Official Gazette to take effect on Sunday.”
«It is confirmed that the trend in figures in Lombardy is decreasing both due to the circulation of the virus and to hospitalizations in ordinary and intensive rooms. A result – Fontana concludes – achieved thanks to the virtuous behavior of all Lombards, whom I thank once again. I urge everyone to continue on this path of daily responsibility. allowing you to keep the virus under control. Come on Lombardy! “
Our Region is now in the orange zone, this is what will change from Sunday when you enter the yellow zone:
– you can move from your own municipality and between different municipalities, except during the curfew between 10 pm and 5 am;
– you can move out of the Region and go to another Region in the yellow zone but only for specific reasons and the self-certification form;
– bars open until 6pm.
– Restaurants open until 6 pm: after that time home delivery is allowed, and until 10 pm it is possible to take food to go and consume it near the restaurant.
– shopping centers open from Monday to Friday: closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
– You will be able to see friends and family but with the recommendation not to continue visiting people who do not live together..
So As of December 21, the new Dpcm will also come into force, which will partially modify the travel regulations.
Until January 6, 2021 it is prohibited, throughout Italy, regardless of the color of the region, any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces. During the same period, it is also prohibited to move to second homes that are in regions other than your own..
On December 25 and 26 and January 1, 2021 any movement between municipalities is prohibited and in the same period it is also prohibited to travel to second residences located outside of their municipality.
On the other hand, it is always possible to return to one’s residence, domicile or home.
The premises for the transition to the yellow zone are all there: the Rt index (that is, the thermometer that measures the rate of spread of the virus) has finally fallen below 1 (at the moment it is fixed at 0.74), the Tuesday there were 1,656 infections and the pressure on hospitals dropped significantly.