New DPCM: secondary school students will attend again from January 7, 2021. Until the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays, established at the regional level, classes will be taught remotely, except for the possibility of organizing in presence of the workshops and to ensure the possibility of assistance to some categories of students.
High school reopens in January – “Second-degree secondary institutions adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities in accordance with articles 4 and 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic no. 275, so that 100 percent of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching and that, effective from January 7, 2021, up to 75 percent of the student population of the aforementioned institutions, face-to-face teaching is guaranteed“.
Laboratories, students with disabilities and Bes – The possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities is always guaranteed if the use of laboratories is necessary or for reasons of maintaining an educational relationship that achieves the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and special educational needs.
Infant, primary and secondary I grade – The didactic and educational activity for educational services for infancy, for kindergarten and for the first educational cycle continues to be developed entirely in presence.
The difference between distance learning and integrated digital learning
Talk about it Marco Campione, school policy expert, on your FB profile: [N.B. L’intervento è del 3 dicembre, quando la bozza del DPCM presentava il ritorno in classe del 50% della popolazione studentesca dal 7 gennaio, passato poi al 75% nel testo definitivo]
” LDistance learning and integrated digital learning are two different things. And the difference lies in that adjective “integrated”.
This has a corollary (and this is what the previous debate does not take into account adequately): with 100% distance education it is not possible to do integrated teaching because there is nothing to integrate.
If we go back to 50% of teaching in high school, we will finally be able to do the integrated teaching that we started doing in September. In fact, an integrated teaching that some were already doing before the pandemic. And the king will finally be naked: we will check how many really will and how many less.
Just an example to understand. There are many ways to achieve a 50% presence. Half in the classroom doing lessons and the other half at home watching them is one way (and this IS NOT integrated teaching) it is one way.
Or do different things at home than in class.
With 100% DDA, the equivalent of the first mode is what I call “cinema”: the teacher talks and the students listen, a classic model of reading. The equivalent of the second mode is instead thealternation between synchronous and asynchronous teaching, the systematic use of a laboratory or experiential modality (it can also be done remotely), moments in which the boys work without the teacher…. skip all reasoning in evaluation other than Pandora’s box, here is the unspeakable!
How many in recent months have implemented models of the first type and how many models of the second type? Can we say that models of the first type are less effective at a distance than in person and therefore cause delays in the learning process? Or (again on the subject of the ruler’s nudity) is it treason?“
The distance education contract has become the integrated digital education contract
Talk about that is Pino Turi secretary general of the UIL School, union that has not signed the recent CCNI on integrated digital education “There is confusion between distance education, the father and the Ddi. The law imposed the obligation to make a complementary contract to negotiate the Dad, which the school and teachers have meritoriously invented with the Covid in March, responding in a meritorious way to a great and sudden emergency. The law says that if the emergency continues, a contract must be made and I understand that because March’s dad responded to an emergency. However, when you integrate innovative teaching, which is something quite different, the question is: who decided? ”.
“Dad assumes that school is closed, Ddi assumes that school is open and that they are different things. So, am I going to sign a contract that does not refer to the emergency but goes beyond the emergency? If I am in quarantine, I may not want to teach if I have a dying husband by my side. And yet it is claimed that everyone should do this. Also think about disabled students: some are in school, some are not, there is crazy confusion, it is difficult for school to be taught this way.. “
Schools must manage the presence of 75% of the school population
Without prejudice to the fact that for the moment the provisions of the last DPCM are valid until January 15, 2021, schools must manage that 75% of which we speak.
A situation in which the secondary schools had already found themselves in September and that had led to the preparation of the Institute Plan for the DDI. It will be a matter of choosing (or confirming) whether 75% of the school population will be assigned by class, thus avoiding overcrowding in classrooms, or by school.
A choice that will have (and has already had a significant impact on teaching since September). And perhaps one of the knots of “integrated digital teaching” lies precisely in this. It’s one thing to have 20 students in class and 5 at home, and quite another to have all the students in your class present on Monday and remotely on Tuesday.
A reflection that the teachers’ colleges have already prepared at the beginning of the course but that is proposed with all its force in the middle of the journey, close to the evaluations of the first quarter.
Among other things, an unknown is also represented by what will be decided in transportation, with the possibility of staggering tickets or taking afternoon shifts.
Teachers, students, ATA II secondary grade should be prepared to change schedules starting in January. Possible afternoon shifts