Month, understood by the majority. High voltage in recovery


Month, understood by the majority.  High voltage in recovery

Month and Recovery Plan, fibrillations in most. If in the first point an agreement has been reached on the resolution that will be voted on today in the House, as has been known from sources of the majority, in the second node there is instead a tug of war and the tension in the government is high, with Italia Viva contrary to the control room proposed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The CDM that should have been done yesterday has been postponed.

ME – The meeting of the group’s leaders in the Month, according to sources from Italia Viva, would have been characterized by a heated discussion between M5S and Pd. The leaders of the Italia Viva group will sign the majority resolution only after having heard the Prime Minister’s communications today in the Chamber, which, as Adnkronos learns, is the guidance that is leaking from Matteo Renzi’s party. Di Maio said he was satisfied with the agreement reached by the majority. “The sense of responsibility prevailed, as we expected – he said – In M5S there are different souls but the sense of responsibility always prevails.” But in the Five Star Movement there are those who will not vote in favor of the majority resolution. The communications of the President of the Council with a view to the European Council on 10 and 11 December will be held this morning at 9 am in the Chamber and in the afternoon at 4 pm in the Senate.

Month, Understanding Group Leaders: The Draft Resolution

RECOVERY PLAN – Italia Viva’s clear opposition to the control room to manage the money from the Recovery Fund was reiterated yesterday by Matteo Renzi. Could there be Iv’s break with the Conte government on the determinations contained in the decree on the Recovery Fund? “I really hope not but I’m afraid so,” the IV leader told Tg2 Rai- why insist on a measure that replaces the government with a working group, the Parliament session with a direct Facebook and that, even, intends to replace the secret services with a private foundation wanted by the premier, it’s crazy. We sent Salvini home so as not to give him full powers, but it’s not that we give Conte full powers. ” For Renzi, the decree for the implementation of the Recovery Fund “thinks about the multiplication of places but it will not give a hand to the unemployed, to shops closed to people who suffer. If things continue as they are, in IV we will vote in against”. Ideal is worth more than an armchair. “

“We do not want to overthrow the government. Simply, a government is formed by a political majority that decides together and carries out a shared project,” Ettore Rosato, president of Italia Viva, told ‘Un giorno da pecora’. “We can’t always read the things you want to do in the newspapers. It’s a question of content, then there’s also the beginning. The content is absolutely unacceptable,” he said, or “the idea that instead of ministers, just defined as the best in the world, we put 6 managers with 300 bureaucrats to manage reconstruction, the largest batch of public resources after the Marshall Plan. ”“ We think that we cannot decide how to use such important resources in a room without anyone knowing anything ”, insisted the vice president of the Chamber.

But Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede, head of the M5S delegation to the government, assured that “the discussion on the Recovery Plan and its governance has not been lacking and will not be lacking.”

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