Covid Today: Coronavirus Newsletter December 8. Data and infections in Italy and Emilia Romagna


Bologna, December 8, 2020 –Contagions go down a lot gives coronavirus in Emilia romagna: Am 1,624 i almost (yesterday 1,891) out of a total of 16,576 swabs in the last 24 hours and the incidence of positives also collapsed: from 19.25 to 9.8% today (9.9% is the national percentage). The average age of infection was 46.3 years. I am today 49 the dead mostly older people, but among them also a 58-year-old man in Rimini, while I hospitalizations and also me active cases.

Patients admitted to intensive care am 2. 3. 4. 5 compared to yesterday), 2,781 those in other Covid departments (-24).

Regarding the comparison with other regions, theEmilia romagna that yesterday was the one with the most cases today follows the Veneto, with 3,145 new patients and Lombardy (1,656).

Since the beginning of the outbreak COVID-19, in Emilia romagna They registered 137,270 almost of positivity. Of the 1,624 newly infected, 825 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities.

Overall, among the new positives 326 They were already in isolation at the time of the hyssop execution, 380 have been identified within known outbreaks.

its 825 asymptomatic, 406 have been identified thanks to the activity of contact tracking, 56 through i tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 17 with serological screening, 5 process and pre-admission test. By 341 cases is epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.

The situation of contagion in the provinces see Bologna with 471 new cases, then Modena (351) e Reggio emilia (177).

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The victims of the Covid of December 8 in Emilia Romagna

Are registered 49 new deaths: 3 to Bologna (2 women, one of whom is 94 and the other 85) 4 a Ravenna (2 women of which one is 84 and one is 91 and 2 men respectively 81 and 90 years old) 13 a Modena (9 men including one 74, one 77, one 78, one 80, one 82, one 86, one 87, one 88, one 96 and 4 women of which one 76, one 79, 86 and one 91 years), 6 to Rimini (3 women, one of 83, one of 88 and one of 94 and 3 men of 58, 69 and 85 years old), 3 to Piacenza (1 93-year-old woman and two 59 and 89-year-old men respectively), 3 years Reggio emilia (3 men of which one is 82, one 78 and one 95), 3 years Parma (2 men of 77 and 88 years old and 1 woman of 89 years old), 8 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (4 women of which one of 76, one of 93, one of 96 and one of 98 and 4 men of 75, 82, 85 and 90) and 6 to Ferrara (5 men including one 76, one 68, one 81, one 83, and one 90, and one 87-year-old woman).

In all, there have been deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic. 6,268.

Emilia-Romagna symptoms and contagion data by province

These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 13,345 a Piacenza (+46 compared to yesterday, of which 18 symptomatic), 11,260 to Parma (+40, of which 28 symptomatic), 19,474 to Reggio emilia (+177, of which 84 symptomatic), 25,260 to Modena (+351, of which 212 symptomatic), 26,695 to Bologna (+471, of which 237 symptomatic), 4,149 cases a Imola (+92, of which 26 symptomatic), 6,873 to Ferrara (+112, of which 19 symptomatic), 9,374 years Ravenna (+89, of which 9 symptomatic), 4,896 years Forlì (+28, of which 19 symptomatic), 4,443 years Cesena (+80, of which 61 symptomatic) and 11,501 to Rimini (+138, of which 86 symptomatic).

How many and where are the most seriously ill patients hospitalized?

Patients admitted to intensive care there are 234 (-5 compared to yesterday), 2,781 in other Covid departments (-24).

In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 13 to Piacenza (no change since yesterday), 15 a Parma (+2), 32 to Reggio emilia (+2 from yesterday), 55 to Modena (+1), 52 to Bologna (-11 compared to yesterday), 8 a Imola (+1), 18 a Ferrara (+1), 14 a Ravenna (+1), 6 a Forlì (no change), 2 years Cesena (no change) and 19 a Rimini (-2 compared to yesterday).

Active and cured cases in Emilia Romagna in the last 24 hours

I active cases, that is, actual patients are currently 66,522 (-2,954 compared to yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, are 63,507 (-2,925) in general, 95.5% of all active cases.

As for healed people in general, they are 4,529 more than yesterday and reach altitude 64,480.

am 14,842 positive coronavirus test results in the last 24 hours, according to the newsletter of Ministry of Health.

Yesterday there were 13,720, compared to a considerable increase in swabs: 149,232 (111,217 were tested yesterday).

The victims are 634, 106 more than yesterday.

There are 149,232 tests for the coronavirus performed in the last 24 hours, an increase of more than 38,000 from yesterday. The relationship between positives and dampers is 9.9% in sharp decline compared to yesterday (was 12.3%).

192 patients hospitalized in intensive care in Italy in the last 24 hours: the daily balance is -37 units, bringing the total number of people in intensive care to 3,345. On the other hand, 443 fewer people were hospitalized in ordinary wards than yesterday, for a total of 30,081 patients.

“Entries in intensive care show a some stability. the situation tends to improve but very slowly. Basically the decrease inRt There has been a decline in new cases and hospitalizations, but high intensive care admissions and deaths persist. so we still have to work a lot because it takes very little to reverse the trend, “said the director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health. Gianni Rezza.

Coronavirus in other regions: Covid infections in Brands Covid Tuscany Newsletter – 113 coronavirus deaths in Veneto

Time bombs“This is how the former regional commissioner ad acta defined them. Sergio Venturi the meetings which were created last weekend in the squares of Rimini and Riccione to turn on the Christmas lights. Events that immediately caused great controversy. “If something like this is repeated, the square must be closed for three days – Venturi continued -. If I were there I would have got away ASAP. These events are loose mines ”.


It will be ‘freedom’ rediscovered in the yellow zone, it will be because Christmas holidays, but also the people of Ravenna on Monday afternoon (and probably many made the bridge) poured into the center creating crowds in the shopping streets what to do christmas shopping. There were no meetings like in Rimini and Riccione, also because everyone had a mask and proceeded in an orderly manner respecting the rules. But the optical effect is remarkable.


A nice thought from a benefactor who had the idea of ​​passing religious services in complete safety to the faithful, in the face of danger coronavirus. In fact, this person donated a dispenser that releases holy water to two churches in Bologna. The contraption, positioned at the entrance to places of worship, thus allows the faithful to wet their hands without contact and without having to wet them and not respecting hygiene and health regulations.

Covid vaccine: starts in England, Italy back

Margaret Keenan, Aged 90, is the first UK citizen to receive the coronavirus vaccine. The vaccination campaign in the country began this morning, with the administration of the first doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Keenan was vaccinated alle 6.45 to Coventry, which opened what Health Secretary Matt Hancock called V-Day. Mrs Keenan, originally from Enniskillen in Northern Ireland, will receive the second dose in 3 weeks. Former saleswoman in a jewelry store, the UK’s first vaccinator will turn 91 next week. “I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against Covid 19, it is the best birthday present you could hope for. I will be able to spend time with my family and friends in the new year, after spending most of 2020 alone, “said the lady, who has a daughter and 4 grandchildren.

Italy compared to the rest of Europe it’s weeks ago in anti-Covid vaccination: now the Britain, at the beginning of January they will start Germany and France. In the first quarter of 2021 they will arrive in Italy more than 28 million doses of Covid vaccines, if the authorization processes will not be slowed down. In fact, from the tables of the Ministry of Health, 9,421 million are expected for each month from January to March while in the second quarter this figure will rise to 19,065 for a total from April to June of more than 57 million doses. However, the bulk of the vaccines will arrive in summer: 74.03 million doses between July and September, 24.676 million per month.

Covid today Italy

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