He sent to his circle of friends the photos of the sexual relations with the girls he invited to his “Sentimento Terrace” in Milan. Girls became bodies inert me broken. I take the images and shared them in the chat with his parents. friends, who in turn sent them to other people in a long chain of word of mouth violence. This is what emerges from the testimonies of dozens of people heard in the investigation on Alberto Genovese, the 43-year-old businessman arrested a month ago on rape charges against a 18enne and now investigated for assaulting a girl 23enne.
Genovese described the girls portrayed in the photos as “trophies to be exposed and mocked ”, as the researchers also from the analysis of the two tablets and the largest number of mobile phones seized from the businessman. am 400 jig of “films, images and documents” all to be analyzed, from which it follows that Genovese kept in manic way, almost like a collector, each image of the Girls with whom he had sexual relations. “Material that the researchers, write the Messenger ServiceThey define it as “exterminated” and dating back more than two years. But there is also a third mobile phone of “old generation”, kept in the safe of ‘Terrazza sentimento’ together with 40 thousand euros in cash and a few grams of “pink coca”. the researchers they have not yet been able to access the content on the device.
The judicial matter – Genovese, having achieved success in the world of fintech, a month ago he was arrested on suspicion of aggravated sexual violence, possession and transfer of narcotics, kidnapping and injuries for letting a young woman pass a nightmare old, at a party at his house overlooking the Duomo: I would have knocked her unconscious with pink coke and ketamine and then tortured her for several hours. According to the stories of some of the girls they dated The businessman – who admitted everything adding that he could not control himself when under the influence of road that for years he has not been able to do without for years, so much so that he asked to be treated – there would be other alleged violations under consideration by the prosecutor Rosaria stagnaro and the deputy prosecutor Letizia mannella that they are investigating together with him Mobile Equipment. If the dramatic night of October 10 was documented by the footage of the surveillance cameras that Genovese that he had installed in his apartment, including a bedroom, on the testimony of a series of people, about fifty who have been heard by investigators and investigators, now they are looking for evidence.
In substance Elements are being collected and then selected and, where appropriate, deepened, as is happening with what would have Ibiza, a Villa Lolita, summer stage rented by the entrepreneur for loud music, dancing, highs with very powerful substances and sex. “Since I walked into the room and pulled out a pink narcotic strip that I thought was’2CB‘, I don’t remember anything, ”he put a verbal A few weeks ago, the 23-year-old spoke of the alleged abuse suffered between July 10 and 11. She had also explained that she had encountered bruises to the legs, dolls marked and clothing Ripped and then with the “feeling” of having been broken but not having filed a complaint for fear that something could happen to him family. Around its history, which is already known and is therefore not very different from that of the 18-year-old girl, has begun to proceed ex officio (without complaint) and now another chapter of an investigation is being concentrated that also wants to shed light on alleged profiles of help and incite and complicity of close people Genovese, as well as in an alleged network of drugs and prostitution in the afternoons in the ‘Terrazza sentimento’ or by the pool in five-star locations chosen by him for his parties.