BAD WEATHER, IT IS NOT OVER. More rain, storms, wind and snow until WEEKEND «3B Meteo


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Weather trend after Immaculate
Weather trend after Immaculate

METEO ITALY, BAD WEATHER DOESN’T GRANT A TRICK – The rest of the week will also be characterized by unstable or disturbed weather in Italy, prolonging this particularly prolonged phase of bad weather. This is because in Eastern Europe and Russia in general, a high pressure field will act as a wall to the Atlantic rains coming from the West, which will be forced back towards the central Mediterranean, inevitably involving Italy. Your action will be supported by new cyclonic vortices that will once again propose bad weather phases, this time more concentrated in Centrosud. In the north, however, most of the precipitation, although still present, will have passed. Now let’s take a closer look at the forecasts for the next few days.

Wednesday weather
Wednesday weather

FORECASTS Wednesday still scattered rains and electrical storms in Centrosud, more frequent and intense on the Tyrrhenian side and Sicily; snow in the central Apennines from 1000-1300 m, from 500 to 800 m in the north. Still bad weather in the northeast with showers in the plains and snow in general of 400 to 700 m; little to no rain in the northwest with openings the same day. Thursday general variability with rains and showers still local more likely on the Tyrrhenian side; bad weather intensifies at night in Sardinia and Sicily. Occasional rain in the north. Between Friday and weekend new disturbance with new rains and showers that will especially affect the Centrosud. On the northern edge with greater probability of precipitation in the northwest, still snowed at low altitudes, but diminishing. Probable turning point next week, with the return of high pressure. However, this is an extremely fast-moving situation, which will require numerous forecast updates.

Does bad weather only hit Italy or other parts of Europe? Find out the expected weather in Europe and in the world.

To know in real time where it is raining or snowing, check our Radar section, with real-time images of rainfall both nationally and regionally.

The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.

Will incoming rains improve air quality in our cities? To understand what the concentrations of the main pollutants will be like, visit the pollutants section.

How long will bad weather last? All the details in the weather section of Italy.

To find out where it will rain the most in the next few hours, check out our precipitation maps.

Bad weather, as mentioned, will be locally intense. For details on the expected weather alerts, see the alerts section.

Will the expected rains in the coming days reduce the concentration of pollen? Check out our pollen section.

To know in detail the state of the seas and winds click here.

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