«Is the government in danger of breaking down? I hope not, but I’m afraid so. We do not give full powers to Conte »- Corriere.it


Mr Boschi, the day before yesterday you left the Recovery Fund Summit: a challenge for Conte?
“In reverse. We have been asking for months for a debate in Parliament on Recovery Fund. And we have promoted a discussion within the majority. Italia viva publicly calls for an open-air debate. The premier did an interview on Saturday to say that he had already decided everything, that one would be created. governance with three hundred consultants, that the projects had already been prepared with commissioners capable of having alternate powers with respect to the ministries. We are not challenging the prime minister, we are only defending the institutions of this country: we did not want to give full powers to Salvini, we do not intend to give them to Conte.

Is there no risk of breaking?
I hope not, but I’m afraid so. We do not raise the tone, we are: we are facing a very serious event. It is not possible for the prime minister to replace the government with a working group, the secret services with a foundation, parliamentary sessions with direct Facebook. We’ve been calling for a parliamentary discussion for months and are we uncovering today a 100-page plan that ministers commission with an amendment to the budget law? If the prime minister wants to break up, we’re sorry, but go ahead. The appeal to responsibility cannot be unidirectional ”.

What disputes in the method?
“There are hundreds of deaths every day and the GDP is less than 10%. Faced with this emergency, the majority of the government has the duty to propose a serious plan to the country. We have asked for transparency and if we see that there is a draft written overnight, without consulting the government, or Parliament, or society, or the categories, it means that we have a problem. We do not want to deprive the government, the parliament, the secret services, the institutions ”.

And about the merits?
“Have you read the French plan?” It is very well done and has been ready for weeks. We are still standing when others are already executing projects. We unlock jobs, free up resources, help those who can’t, focus on education and training instead of spending weeks handing out perks and allowances. There are two hundred billion coming from Europe: we cannot waste them, especially now. And then, of course, there is the issue of the MEDE: saying no to public health money in the name of an ideological interest is masochism.

Do you ask for more armchairs?
“Look, if we asked for more seats, we would easily settle: here tasks sprout like mushrooms. But we have a different vision of politics: we are willing to give them our chairs, we do not ask for more. But we need to have an idea of ​​the development of the country. We hope Conte is aware of this. If they just have to cope, they can do it without us. “

Do you ask for a team strengthening?
“Not anymore. We had suggested to Conte a way to block the legislature between now and 2023, with a reorganization and with the participation of the best of all parties. His reaction was very harsh: Conte believes he has the best ministers in the world. If so, you don’t mind calling six commissioners to replace them and three hundred consultants, right? As for us, reorganization is an issue that no longer exists: if Conte believes he has the best in the world, hopefully they will. make it work well.

Why did you disassociate yourself from the ESM resolution?
We have not dissociated ourselves. We are waiting to understand what the prime minister will say. If, as we hope, he reconfirms a European position, we will be with him. We do not believe that the Grillini parliamentarians make jokes about the reform of the ESM because they are too afraid to go home to oppose it, but on this also we expect words of clarity. The real problem, however, is that the government continues to say no to the 36 billion a month for health that today, at least in part, could have already been spent ”.

December 7, 2020 (change December 7, 2020 | 22:57)

