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BAD WEATHER WITHOUT TRICKS, NEW DISTURBANCE IN ITALY – There is no truce for Italy, which has suffered repeated waves of bad weather for several days. The umpteenth alteration of the series is already in action in the trunk, with its load of rain and even strong storms that for now is affecting the Centronord and Sardinia especially. All this accompanied by strong winds from Scirocco and Libeccio, particularly in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic where gusts exceed 60-70km / h. In Liguria, on the other hand, the dark north wind blows, in particular between Genoa and Savona, where gusts of up to 70 km / h are registered. In this article the chronicle of bad weather.
NEXT HOURS FORECASTS: Widespread bad weather in Centronord with rainfall, thunderstorms and snowfall of 1200-1500 m in the center, sometimes below or 1000 m in the northern Tuscan Apennines, usually 300 to 700 m in the north, even at higher altitudes casualties in lower Piedmont. Neve sometimes it is possible at the bottom of the Valtellina valley, Val d’Adige, bottom of the Belluno valley during the heaviest rains. Storms in Sardinia, Lazio, Umbria, heavy rains also in eastern Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Emilia. Possible criticalities and floods. As for the south, bad weather gradually intensifies starting from Campania, with showers and thunderstorms gradually spreading to the rest of the sector at the end of the day. Also in this case possible high intensity phenomena, in particular in the sectors of Campania. It won’t end here – more showers and thunderstorms are expected in the coming days. More details in the Italian meteorological section.
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The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.