The government does not agree with the Recovery Fund


This Tuesday afternoon a new Council of Ministers will be held to debate the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which is the plan that will contain the approximately 100 projects that will be financed with money from the Recovery Fund, the main community tool to balance the economic crisis provoked. of the coronavirus pandemic. But within the government there seem to be problems reaching an agreement on the structure of the management of the funds, on the method that it will follow and on its own institution.

Yesterday, the Council of Ministers on the subject had started four hours late, had been suspended twice and ended early because the Interior Minister, Luciana Lamorgese, learned that she was positive for coronavirus. And Chancellor Luigi Di Maio and Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede, residents of Lamorgese during yesterday’s Council, temporarily isolated themselves.

The main problem of the funds that will come from the European Union has to do with their management. President Conte’s idea is to create a “control room”, made up of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri of the Democratic Party and the Minister of Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli of the 5 Star Movement. The Minister for European Affairs, Vincenzo Amendola, should act as the single point of contact with the European Commission. According to Conte’s plans, the ministers must have the support of six managers for each of the macro-categories of the projects, who in turn must supervise the “technicians”, whose number has not yet been defined. The structure must be established with an amendment to the budget law that gives it special powers.

The management proposal is not shared by Italia viva, Matteo Renzi’s party that supports the majority. Italy’s Minister Viva Teresa Bellanova says that this form of management would create a parallel structure that, instead of streamlining the project implementation process, would overlap with existing ministries: “This structure deprives not only the ministries, but also the regions and essentially the entire public administration, while the Recovery should represent an extraordinary opportunity for renewal and innovation of the public administration. ”Bellanova also argues that if the“ forcing ”is made to insert the mechanism desired by Conte in a budget amendment, your party will not vote on it.

On Sunday, December 6, during a meeting called by Conte with the leaders of the majority group, Maria Elena Boschi and Ettore Rosato from Italia Viva left before the conclusion, disputing the option of including the government structure in the budget maneuver with a amendment. In an interview with Republic yesterday, also Matteo Renzi, speaking of Conte, said: «This way of acting is not only derogatory: it is wrong. We are in front of the superstructures of hundreds of consultants who are in the Recovery Fund as navigators in the income of citizenship. The future of Italy in the next twenty years is not written by Conte and Casalino at night in a small room in Palazzo Chigi ».

When asked if in the Council of Ministers the ministers Bellanova and Bonetti will vote against the structure proposed by Conte, Renzi replied: “I hope that the prime minister will stop before voting on a non-shared election”, and again: “Italy already has tens of thousands of civil servants, thousands of executives, twenty ministries. The problem is not to hire other people, but to understand what the vision is for the next few years. If the answer is another useless working group of 300 consultants, they themselves can vote.

According to the newspapers, the management structure conceived by Conte would not even be shared by some PD deputies and by the presidents of some regions who would like to play a greater role in the design, implementation and management of national fund plans. On December 3, 24 European regions, including Emilia-Romagna and Lazio, addressed the leaders of the European Union: “We ask all decision-makers to recognize the added value of the territory for the agenda of Recovery. In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, regions must participate in the EU’s discussions on recovery at the highest level. We request to be actively included in the design and implementation of the Recovery and the national plans adopted for this purpose. We call on the political leaders of the EU institutions and the Member States to intervene directly at the regional level. ‘

At the moment it is not clear if the rest of the European countries will equip themselves with structures similar to the one conceived so far by Italy: the Financial times he hypothesized, for example, that the Spanish government will absorb the money into the national budget, leaving it in the hands of the ministries responsible for individual projects.

In the last hours, the newspapers write, Conte would have worked on a mediation hypothesis to reduce the size of the management committee, strengthen the role of ministerial staff and approve the governance structure with a decree and not through an amendment to the budget law. After today’s Council of Ministers we will probably know more.

Regarding the drafting and content of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, that is, the plan that will specifically contain the projects to be financed with the 209,000 million euros from the Recovery Fund, there does not seem to be any particular problem: the projects will be divided into six categories that must correspond to the six main “missions” identified in September by the Italian government (PDF), and already shared with the European Commission: digitization (from that of the public administration), innovation and competitiveness of the productive system; ecological transition; infrastructure and mobility; education, training, research and culture; social, gender and territorial equity; Health.
