1 – What measure prevents movement between Regions?
The decree-law of December 2, 2020, which entered into force on December 3, prohibits throughout the national territory, from December 21 to January 6, any movement in and out between regions and autonomous provinces. Rules that become even stricter on December 25 and 26 and January 1: This government decision, highly desired by the ministers who support the austerity line, Speranza, Boccia and Franceschini, sparked protests.
2- Are there possible changes?
The president of Piedmont Alberto Cirio wrote an extensive letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in which he asks that family reunification be allowed: As you know, President, Piedmont is a region in which the presence of small municipalities represents the great most municipalities. In fact, there are 1,046 municipalities in which the population is less than 5,000 inhabitants. Therefore, you will understand how great is the feeling of discouragement of many citizens. The argument of those who protest against the decree and the Dpcm is the comparison with the big cities. There are twenty kilometers between the north of Rome and the south of Rome, while in many cases the distances between one small municipality and another are much shorter.
3 – How could the ban on moving between municipalities change?
The idea that could become a parliamentary proposal is to insert the travel ban at the provincial and not municipal level. As Stefano Bonaccini said three days ago, a common sense measure can be found. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has already announced that he does not agree.
4 – If the spouse / partner moves to the second house, to another region of the yellow band before December 20, can the other join him between December 21 and January 6?
No. The Dpcm provides for the prohibition of going to second homes in another region from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021. If you intend to spend the holidays together, you must be in the same place before the 20 of December 2020.
5 – If the spouse / partner is in the second house outside the municipality on Christmas Day, can the other accompany him?
No. The prohibition also applies to second homes located in another municipality, on December 25 and 26, 2020 and January 1, 2021.
6 – If the spouse / partner moves with minor children, can the other join?
The answer is always no. Of course, moving to the second home in a region other than that of residence or habitual residence is allowed only on the condition that the second home is not located in regions that, as of December 20, are in the area orange or red. In these cases, in fact, the entry bans to regional territories are maintained (articles 2 and 3 of the CPM of December 3).
7- Who goes abroad before December 20, or returns after January 6, should they quarantine upon their return?
Yes, the Viminale circular specified that even those who left the national territory before December 21, 2020 or who return after January 6, must submit to the obligation of isolation.
8 – Who was arrested in the days of the prohibitions and could not justify that the move derives from reasons of necessity, or health, would be fined?
S, in accordance with the decree law of March 25, 2020
9 – How much is the fine?
From 400 to 1,000 euros.
On December 3, the new Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers was signed, which will remain in force until January 15. Here you will find all the travel regulations between Municipalities and Regions, throughout the national territory; here the rules and recommendations on how to celebrate Christmas and the New Year; here those who are in quarantine. Here the final text of the Dpcm, in pdf.
December 8, 2020 (change December 8, 2020 | 07:58)