Utah Monolith: Mystery Revealed. Apart from foreigners – Foreigner


New York, December 7, 2020 – The Mystery of monolith in the Utah desert. The steel block, and others that appeared around the world, would be the work of a collective of artists, ‘The most famous artists of 2020’, who on Friday published a photo of the monolith in Instagram date him and claim paternity.

The first strange sculpture was found by Bret Hutchings, a helicopter pilot with the Division of Wildlife Resources, who was flying to count bighorn sheep in the rugged areas of the Rocky Mountains. The strange, three-meter-tall, shiny metal monolith, similar to the one seen in Stanley Kubrick’s cult film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” had intrigued the web. Then the yellow had thickened when the desert column had been dismantled for four men two weeks after its appearance.

Then had appeared another in Romaniaand how the first one soon disappeared. A third monolith appeared Wednesday atop Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California. Then on the English Isle of Wight and in Holland.

The third monolith, found in California

At this point the artist community called ‘The most famous artists of 2020’, complete with photos, videos, interview and project (in 3d).

Monolith in the desert, the project of 'The Most Famous Artists 2020' on Instagram

And they even put reproductions for 45 thousand dollars each.

Monolith copies for sale by 'The Most Famous Artists 2020'

With a lot of authentication.

Monolith copies for sale by 'The Most Famous Artists 2020'

Among the various posts on the profile showing a masked artist the creation of one of the monoliths, and jokes about the theories of the extraterrestrials that were circulating: “Do you mean they weren’t extraterrestrial?”, confirming that it is the work of the collective.

The creation of one of the monoliths, but among the followers there are doubts

But the mystery for some followers stay, as one Internet user points out: “Hey, it looks different: the first seems to have an angle of 90 degrees and the second has 60 degrees on all sides …”, and another answers ironically: “Because they are not the original creators of the monoliths “in allusion to easy money.
