Recovery plan, here is the government draft. But Italy alive is not there-


Yesterday’s Council of Ministers, whose fate was already in the balance due to the disagreements of the majority on the Recovery plan, was interrupted shortly before 5 p.m., when the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, had to leave the meeting because it was positive for Covid. . The incident contributed to ending the council without making decisions on the points of conflict, in particular on governance, that is, who will direct and manage the financing flows that will reach Italy with the Next generation eu program (209,000 million euros in loans and transfers). Shock that led Conte to abandon the idea of ​​regulating governance with an amendment to the budget law, for a less risky decree law that could be examined in the Council of Ministers, which has been updated to date.

Six guidelines

To get the go-ahead, the prime minister will have to overcome the opposition of Italy alive with respect to the control room that Conte would like, formed by the prime minister himself and by the ministers of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri (Pd), and of Public Works, Stefano Patuanelli ( 5 stars ). On the other hand, there are fewer problems in the NRP, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan: 125 pages where the government illustrates how it intends to use the 209 billion, divided into six priorities: green revolution; digitization; infrastructure; education and research; Social inclusion; Health. However, even the approval of the plan could be postponed to a Council of Ministers after tomorrow’s delicate vote in the Senate on the reform of the Month, the European rescue fund. Vote on the basis of which Giuseppe Conte will participate in the EU council on Thursday and Friday in Brussels. A summit that European leaders hope to reach after overcoming the veto of Poland and Hungary on the European budget that, in fact, would also freeze the funds of the next generation of the EU. For this reason, the German presidency has sent Orban and Morawiecki an ultimatum to remove the veto.

Green revolution

The PNRR, Conte says in the preface, aims to answer the question: “What country would we like in ten years?” More modern, more ecological and more cohesive is the answer. Most of the EU funds, equivalent to 74.3 billion, will go to the “Green Revolution” chapter, with 40.1 billion to be allocated to “energy efficiency and building renovation”, therefore, also to the extension of the superbond to 110%. . In second place, with 48.7 billion we find the chapter on “Digitization”, starting with that of the public administration (10.1 billion) while 35.5 billion will be allocated to business innovation 4.0. It is followed by the chapter “Infrastructure” with 27.7 billion, of which 23.6 will be used for the maintenance of highways and high-speed roads 4.0. In fourth place “Education and research” with 19.2 billion, fifth “Gender equality, social and territorial cohesion” with 17.1 billion and sixth “Health” with 9 billion. A total of 196 billion plus 10.7 billion from the React Eu program that, according to the document, should arrive in the course of 2021 and will be used for tax breaks in the South. Finally, residual loans of a few billion to a total of 209 70% of resources will be “committed” in 2022 and “spent” in 2023, promises the government.

Justice and taxation

Among the most anticipated reforms are those of justice, civil and criminal, and of the tax authorities, which will be implemented with a delegated bill that will aim to reduce taxes, particularly for incomes between 40 and 60 thousand euros . Of the 209 billion, only about half will be used for new interventions, that is, additional to those foreseen in the budget. The rest, on the other hand, will replace the national resources foreseen in the spending “trends” with loans and transfers of the EU. “Thanks to the expansionary effects of the plan – he says – at the end of the investment period (2026) the GDP would be 2.3 percentage points higher than the baseline scenario.”

December 7, 2020 (change December 7, 2020 | 23:00)

