For now they amount to 196 billion the resources planned for the six macro-areas of National recovery and resilience plan. From the draft, seen by the agency Ansa and finished on the table of the council of ministers, it is anticipated in detail Decomposition Of funds: 48.7 billion inr digitization and innovation; 74.3 For him “Green revolution and ecological transition”; 27.7 to the sector Infrastructure for sustainable mobility. The chapter “Education and research” you can trust 19.2 billion, the one with the Gender equality at 17.1 billion. L’area health carewill eventually feature 9 billion. The plan also includes a “general tax review“To be achieved at the end of the legislature: the objective, from Reform irpef, consists of “mainly reducing the tax burden on average income”, that is, between 40 and 60 thousand euros, because it is the range that is discounted today excessive levels of taxes with respect to earned income “.
Between 17 cluster, which are the macro-sectors in which the six areas are divided, it turns out that the “richest” is that of “Energy efficiency and building renovation“From the chapter of the Green Revolution, which can count on 40.1 billion. Second, projects related to “Innovation, competitiveness, digitalization 4.0 and internationalization”, from the Digitization chapter ”, to which 35,500 million should be allocated. On the other hand, the package of resources that the cluster “High-speed network and road communication 4.0” can count on is 23,600 million. A little more than ten billion will be diverted to the projects of Strengthening of teaching and the right to study while in the chapter “Health” 4,800 million should go to the cluster “Proximity assistance and telemedicineAnd 4.2 to innovation, research and digitization projects in health.
The text speaks after the governance for the implementation of the Plan, harshly questioned by Alive italy – which must consist of one political control room, a technical structure with heads of mission and a Social Committee (to discuss with the social partners). It is one of the knots that the ministers are called to undo after the Renzianos, considering it “useless, left the protest table during the summit with the prime minister last night.” The CDM met in these hours to give the green light to the document, but everything will be postponed to Wednesday. The prime minister spoke at the opening of the session. Giuseppe Conte then pass the ball to the Minister of European Affairs Enzo Amendola and to the other ministers, in order to deepen the file. However, the meeting ended shortly after that. Luciana Lamorgese learned that it was positive for Covid.
Conte in the introduction: “We want a modern country” – The document matters 125 pages It is divided into four parts, which describe the objectives, the reforms and investments, the implementation and monitoring of the plan, and the evaluation of the economic impact. The reforms and investments point to “a green, smart and healthy transition.” And they refer to: justice reform; digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture; green revolution and ecological transition; infrastructure for sustainable mobility; education and research, gender equality, social and territorial cohesion; and health. “To get out of this crisis”, writes the prime minister Giuseppe Conte in the introduction, “and to bring Italy to the frontier of European and world development, it is necessary a clear, shared and courageous project for the future of the country, which allows Italy to restart by removing the obstacles that have held it back for the last twenty years. What country would we want in ten years? The government’s reflection started from this question. Behind the Italian delay are known structural problems, but never tackled with sufficient determination. This is the moment to do it “.
For Italy, we read again, “in addition to making up lost ground with the pandemic crisisIt is about turning the page of the past. We cannot afford to return to the status quo before this crisis. For more than 20 years, Italy has struggled to keep pace with other advanced economies. For some time, our country has suffered production and productivity growth rates significantly lower than those of the other large advanced economies and insufficient to guarantee a significant improvement in the well-being of its citizens. We want a modern and innovative country with an efficient and modern public administration, in which innovative and increasingly competitive companies can operate, a country with secure and technologically advanced infrastructures that exploit all the potential offered by the digital revolution ”, concludes the Head of Government.
The role of supermanagers – With regard to the management of the game, the document provides first of all “mission managers in each sector involved “with” general responsibility to ensure the rapid and effective implementation of the plan, the constant verification “of the” schedule and the work task, also through the activation of surrogate powers, to facilitate overcoming situations of inertia or, in any case, obstacles to the execution of the planned intervention ”. The draft Recovery Plan update in the CDM table does not indicate the number of these ‘supermanagers’ (we are talking about 6), but it does foresee several new features: “mission administrators” will have to appoint a “Coordinator“That” supervises the performance of activities that require collegiate intervention “, while” administrative and operational management “of the structure will be” entrusted to a Managing Director“It is, it is specified,” a model of “second degree governance“With regard to the activities of theme implementation (Ministries, other administrators, companies or entities), which can benefit from both the technical assistance of the structure, and make use of own company, of structures of public administrations and, in case of particular executive difficulties in carrying out the projects, of the planning structure already established in the State Property Agency. “Therefore, the mission structure will have” a contingent of personnel, also at the managerial level, identified among the personnel of the public administrations, of the public companies owned or participated, collaborators as well as consultants or experts, even outside the public administration ”.
How the governance will work: There will also be a “Accountability committee Social, made up of representatives of the productive categories, the university and the research system ”to follow the implementation and give“ opinions and suggestions ”. The members of the committee “are chosen from among personalities of high institutional profile and scientific and recognized independence “and will be able to give” advice “on” specific problems “and” inform in a collaborative way “any profile that is considered relevant for the realization of the PNR”. Instead, the political direction depends on the “Executive committee” compound Prime Minister and ministers of Economy and Economic Development. Among its tasks, this control room “directs and coordinates” the heads of mission “, examines all the questions formulated by individual Ministers” with the “right to invite them to meetings“. The ministers” fully exercise their ordinary powers and can open a discussion phase at any time. “
Who is responsible for supervision: It is planned to involve the Court of accounts, “Closely related to the European Court of Auditors, in accordance with the principles of sound financial management referred to in article 287, paragraph 2, of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. For this, they must be defined administrative-accounting procedures for the management and reporting of the resources in question, as well as the corrective mechanisms for any discrepancies in the implementation of individual projects ”.