Yellow zone between rules and prohibitions: what can be done – Chronicle


Bologna, December 7, 2020 – The citizens of Emilia romagna me Market breathe air again yellow zone. The heavy restrictions of the last few weeks have had the desired effect, allowing the two regions to take a step back with what follows. THE Doubts However, many remain, also due to the scaffolding of Dpcm for the holidays in which the color system now rests. So, let’s see what the most frequently asked questions are. And most importantly, the answers.

Restaurants, bars and businesses

Are restaurants, pizzerias, patisseries and bars open in Emilia Romagna and Marche? Is the consumption of food and beverages allowed in them?

Yes, bars and public establishments back and similar open their doors in Marche and Emilia-Romagna from 5 to 18, with the possibility of eating inside for a maximum of 4 people per table.

Will the inhabitants of Marche and Emilia Romagna be able to have lunch at the restaurant for Christmas?

Yes. The restaurants will remain open even on holidays within the allowed hours. However, the block to travel from your municipality on December 25, 26 and January 1 will only allow access to the restaurant if it is in your municipality of residence.

What rules must non-food retail business operators follow in Emilia Romagna and Marche?

There are no restrictions on the categories of tradable goods. However, on holidays and days before holidays, stores within shopping centers must remain closed. But the opening hours on the allowed days can be extended until 9pm, to better manage the flow of customers.


Is it possible for those who live in Emilia Romagna and Marche to return to exercise and sports activities in the gym and pool?

No. The activities of swimming pools, gyms, swimming centers but also wellness centers and spas remain suspended even in the yellow zone. However, it is allowed to go to public or private sports centers or clubs in Emilia Romagna and Marche to carry out basic, non-contact sports activities exclusively outdoors.

Will the citizens of Emilia Romagna and Marche be able to practice outdoor amateur contact sports?

No. The performance of contact sports is reserved exclusively for professional categories. However, it will be possible to perform outdoor sports and physical activities individually without any additional limitation of proximity to the residence or municipality.


What are the currently active bans for the inhabitants of Emilia Romagna and Marche to travel?

In the two yellow regions it is allowed to go from 5 in the morning to 10 at night without the need to motivate the move by self-certification. From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., trips that are not justified for work, health or necessity reasons, accredited by self-certification, are prohibited.

Will the citizens of Marche and Emilia Romagna be able to move from one region to another?

Movements between regions, provided that both are in the yellow zone as in this case, will be allowed until December 21, when as a result of the Dpcm, movements between regions will be suspended until January 6. During the period in which it is allowed, the move must not be motivated.

At Christmas, is it possible for a citizen of Emiliano-Romagna to go to help an elderly relative who is not self-sufficient in the Marches and vice versa?

Yes. Although for December 25 there is an obligation to stay close to the municipality, the reunion with a loved old man who is not self-sufficient is an exception provided by the Decree. On the contrary, if the move will be ‘only’ for the classic Christmas lunch, the Government’s recommendation, even in such delicate cases, is to make the move only if it is strictly necessary.

Will it be possible to spend the holidays in a hotel in the Marche and Emilia Romagna regions?

It will always be possible to reserve a hotel room, but if the move is for pure pleasure, it will be necessary to take into account the blocking of movements between regions from December 21 to January 6 and between municipalities on December 25 and 26 and December 1. January. As well as the obligation to dine in the room on New Year’s Eve.

What are the risks if the law is broken?

The risk depending on the severity ranges from the fine to the trial. For those who are caught traveling outside the allowed hours or outside their region or municipality when it is not allowed, they may incur a penalty of between 280 and 560 euros in case of repeat offenses. For those who violate the quarantine, a criminal complaint and arrest of three to 18 months is planned, plus a fine of between 500 and 5,000 euros.

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