serious patients are less and less


Compared to yesterday, there are 63 fewer people hospitalized in intensive care units. The curve began to decline for about ten days and since then the decline has been constant: from 3,848 hospitalized on November 25 to 3,454 today. 394 fewer patients. The figure records the balance between entries and exits (recoveries or deaths), but for a few days the Ministry of Health has also indicated in the bulletin the data of admissions to critical rooms. And this indicator returns an even more noticeable drop:

  • December 6, 150
  • December 5, 192
  • December 4, 201
  • December 3, 217

In short, fortunately, patients in serious conditions are less and less, even if the wards are still crowded. According to Agenas, 40% of the beds are currently occupied by Covid patients. Returning to the bulletin, it should be noted that today the number of hospitalized patients with symptoms increased again (+233) after the significant decrease yesterday (-1024).

Instead, the contagion curve continues to decline: today 18,887 cases of 163,550 swabs have been registered. Like every Sunday, the number of tests analyzed decreases: yesterday there were about 30 thousand more, for a number of infected equal to 21,052. As Lorenzo Ruffino points out on Twitter, if we take the cases registered between Monday and Sunday, the variation with respect to the average of the last four weeks was -34%.

This week: 143,699
A week ago: 176,341
Two weeks ago: 230,349
Three weeks ago: 243,444
Four weeks ago: 225,788

The positivity rate goes back to 11.5% (+ 0.8%).

Deaths are also declining today: 564 versus 662 and 814 two days ago. But it is still too early to speak of a slowdown. Confirmations will be needed in the next few days. If we take the deaths registered between Monday and Sunday, compared to the average of the last four weeks there has been a slight increase.

Deaths between Monday and Sunday
This week: 5,174
last week: 5,081
two weeks ago: 4,594
three weeks ago: 3,835
four weeks ago: 2,568

Brusaferro (Iss): “I’m not afraid of the Christmas holidays, but we have to respect the rules”

In general, both the infection curve and the hospitalization curve appear to be improving. Meanwhile, today the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Ironbrush, He again spoke of the epidemiological situation saying that we should not fear the holidays “however, we must live them aware of the need to respect the rules that reduce the probability of transmitting the virus,” he said in an interview with ‘Fatto Quotidiano’. Breaking the rules, he added, “would imply resuming the number of new cases, with all that it entails. They will be unique festivals in our history and if this uniqueness limits us in our traditional manifestations of joy and coexistence, it also calls us to imagine paths, fulfilling with the measures recommended and known by all, so as not to lack the affection and attention to those we love and to the most fragile and lonely people ”.

Coronavirus Bulletin December 6, 2020 (2) -3
