Monday of passion me sufferingBut great achievements come only through enormous effort. We are only in the tenth part of the championship, but for the viola it is already a reckoning: with Genoa for safety and pride. It is not a shame to declare yourself involved in the fight for survival, it is news to tell. Facts before opinions. Viola on the field tonight just 2 points clear of Toro who lost the derby on Saturday afternoon. Genoa has 3 points less than Fiorentina, will come to Florence to try the engagement, but if those from Prandelli win, not only would they break the last three of the classification, but they would overtake Parma, Spezia and Udinese (who did not play yesterday due to rain) and Benevento would appear. Just focus on the strategic importance of the Frank challenge. Some games admit everything, but not that they are wrong. The difference that marks the boundary between a group that has understood contingent critical issues and a more distracted one. During the week the different executive voices that alternated with the microphones, ending yesterday in Prandelli, fearlessly pronounced the noun Cesare, which was even more effective. vo: “We add 40 points as soon as possible.” The perception of danger is a sign of the maturity of society. The time has come to get dirty in the slums of the championship, beyond the technical values of this team that other perspectives would actually say. But that seems to you and the recognition of the club can only reassure the environment.
Prandelli gave the company a good hand yesterday: Cesare explained that the management has no faults because only a few months ago the critics and the fans -from some isolated voices- they declared themselves satisfied with Fiorentina (although with some doubts about the composition of the attack). High praise for the medium package, judged by many professionals as one of the best in Italy, and also for the defense, focusing on elements that had been the subject, among other things, of strong praise in the summer market. Probably, added Prandelli, the problem was the excessive load of expectations placed on the shoulders of these players, perhaps not willing to support him. However, Prandelli concluded, criticism will go to the coach and the team because the company has human and managerial qualities and is led by an entrepreneur who has spent a lot, including the construction of the sports center. Cesare is very concerned that Rocco Commisso will be bored. And this was also a message that Prandelli wanted to send, to be exact the second in a few days. There is nothing accidental in these statements..
Such a peremptory departure establishes an axis of steel between the coach and the club. A strong sign for the environment. But delivering a speech like this required charisma and experience. Prandelli was necessary. Cesare also said much more: he reiterated a concept that he had already expressed many times during the mandate of the first purple republic, “whoever does not want to stay in Florence can leave immediately.” Then he said that now it is better to win by playing badly because it is vital to win. Thus he assured that the team has the character to react and with Genoa it will show it. We take him at his word. Prandelli invoked a test of temperament, a Fiorentina match. Because fear is faced and there is no bargaining. In this passage we read an invitation to its players to show that they are up to the greatness of Fiorentina and what the city represents. Words are not enough to express points, but they are a good base to work on. They photograph the state of the art, give the adrenaline of a coach, mark the time of the elections. They are all the same against Prandelli, but whoever is not ready will be left out, regardless of name. And also the surname.
For him salvation me Pride, these should be the purple coordinates against another team in bad shape like Genoa. We do not dwell too much on the module because Prandelli himself has clearly explained to us how today, in general, it is the interpretation of the scheme that marks the turning point. Adding, then, that within the same game there can and should be more tactical variations also because the Fiorentina squad does not have real duplicates: then if, for example, Ribery comes out, the purple frame must be redesigned in another idea. Not only that: the five changes, which are worth fifty percent of players on the move, are forcing coaches to review certain precautions. Let’s not ignore it, but between the absence of the fans in the stadium and the five substitutions, this football has changed a lot. Certainly for the worse. If it’s not a fake championship, at least it’s highly conditional.
Cáceres, Milenkovic, Pezzella and Biraghi should line up against Dragowski. It is possible that the median is three with Borja Valero or Duncan in front of the defense, Amarabat and Castovilli at the sides. In trident attack Callejón, Vlahovic and Ribéry. But there could also be a five-man midfield variant, with Amarabat and Borja Valero or Duncan as defensive screens, then Callejón, Castrovill and Ribery in the offensive midfielders in support of Vlahovic. This set-up would force Castrovilli to move higher, while it seems to be understood that Prandelli prefers him as an interior, capable of going head-on, enhancing his abilities. Gaetano near the penalty area, with his back to the goal, may not be comfortable. It is the night of truth, we would like to find the real Fiorentina again.
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