Leclerc penalized: 3 positions and 2 points less in Abu Dhabi


The final race of the 2020 Formula 1 World Championship will not be a walk through Charles Leclerc. Darling, darling it has cost the aggression at the start of the Sakhir GP to the Monegasque Ferrari that made the mistake, very similar to the one already seen in Austria at the Styrian GP and that later led to the suicide of both SF1000, to slip at all costs into the small space that was glimpsed between the Mercedes eventually overwhelming Pérez in cruva 4. All your fault if then Verstappen has been isolated from Racing Point and is inevitably went to the wall.

The situation already Ferrari trickyToday on the track alone with Vettel who later finished 12th, it gets even more complicated in the last round of this season full of bitterness.

GP Sakhir, Verstappen withdrawn and angry: “Leclerc has exaggerated”

Blocking and braking

And the decision could only be the following: penalize the Ferrari driver, guilty of having braked too late, and then have blocked him. Three positions on the Abu Dhabi grid and two points less than his driving license: this is the verdict of the Fia stewards Mika Salo, Garry Connelly, Loic Bacquelaine and Mazen Al Hilli, after listening to Leclerc at the end of the race.

“The Stewards, having listened to the pilot Charles Leclerc and the representatives of the team, have reviewed the accident from various angles – reads the note from the FIA ​​-. Leclerc’s car number 16 braked too late at turn 4, blocking the right front end and hitting car number 11 by Sergio Pérez who followed his usual trajectory in the curves ”.

GP Sakhir, Russell: “Happy, proud and incredibly disappointed”
