Dpcm Christmas: Frequently Asked Questions About Travel, Lonely Seniors, and Second Homes. What changes in Lombardy


Milan, December 6, 2020 – Grandparents separated from children and grandchildren by the geographical limit of different municipalities, couples who live far away, children who study or work abroad. In one word broken families in the days of the festival in which we are traditionally united. This is how Christmas is configured at the time of Covid according to the provisions of the Dpcm of December 3, which, as is known, provides for the prohibition of moving between municipalities on December 25 and 26 and January 1. Bans lifted by citizens and regional presidents, including Lombard governor Attilio Fontana, who has asked the government to ease the ban on mobility between municipalities that runs the risk of leaving small communities and less populated countries isolated.

Covid, in the country by a square kilometer: “We respect the rules, too many deaths”

Fontana: Christmas will create a social and human disaster

“I think on Christmas day, with this rule, risk of creating a social and human disaster, because there will be So many older people who won’t be able to
meet your children. “
The president of the Lombardy region said, Attilio fontana, regarding the prohibition of mobility between municipalities for December 25, 26 and January 1, established with the last Dpcm. Fontana, speaking with Radio Padania, has I expected Parliament to “change the rule, It doesn’t make any sense before Christmas. If my parents live in my town, I can go eat with them, ‘added the governor as an example. If they live 500 meters away, but not in another municipality. Explain the difference from a health point of view. Is a situation that I think doesn’t really make sense, as well as I believe that it does not make sense that a date is established as a deadline to be able to return to their residences. That is something that runs the risk of creating crowds and chaos in trains, stations and airports, exactly the opposite of what we need, ”Fontana concluded, fearing a second. escape north with the consequent gatherings.

Movements between regions: limits and prohibitions

Three days later Dpcm Christmas many doubts remain for the Lombards. Questions to which publication of Frequently asked questions on the Government website I tried to answer. The doubts center on the days when schools traditionally closed for the Christmas holidays: from December 21 to January 6. In this period it is specified it is not possible to leave the region where you live, regardless of color, so even if it is yellow. To ensure compliance with the rules will be un army of 70 thousand men, on patrol to monitor railway stations or highways. The drones will also go out into the field to ensure compliance with the provisions against contagion.


Viminale’s circular on travel

Christmas and New Years lunch

But the questions refer above all to the days on which it is forbidden to leave the municipality itself: December 25 and 26 and January 1. One of the most frequently asked questions refers to the possibility of going to family and friends who live nearby but in a different municipality. Can I go even if I live 100 meters away, if we are in another municipality? The answer is No. By Christmas, Saint Stephen and New Years Travel outside the city is prohibited. And this is one of the most criticized points of the new Dpcm that does not distinguish between metropolis and hamlets. Restrictions that have sparked considerable discussion and for which Governor Fontana has called for a relaxation.

Can I go out of town with a non-self-sufficient elderly person at Christmas?

Yes, but you must complete the self-certification that describes the reason for the move.

Can I go out of town to visit a lonely old man at Christmas?

The Ministry of the Interior circular specifies that the need to reach out to family or friends, who are not self-sufficient, to assist them can be included among the situations of need, for which the self-declaration form is always needed. Help from only one person at a time is considered help. subtract one margin of uncertainty, linked to the fact that the answer indicates “not self-sufficient” elderly and not even the elderly alone.

When can you get to second homes?

You can go to second homes before December 20 if they are in the yellow zone. Movements are prohibited December 21 to January 6. If the second house is located in a municipality in the orange or red zone, it is only allowed if it is due to the need to remedy unexpected and unpredictable situations (such as landslides, broken plumbing systems and the like, theft, etc.) and, in In any case, according to strictly functional schedules and methods to compensate for such situations.

Covid: here are the key dates in Lombardy. All stages of December / PHOTOS

Covid, Lombardy yellow zone: here are the rules for shops and shopping centers

Covid Italy zones: Lombardy wants yellow. Here is the new map of the regions / PDF
