“We need a criminal complaint against those who circumvent the prohibitions”


Miozzo, Cts holder:

“The emulator mechanism that can be recreated before and after the holidays runs the risk of having dramatic consequences. The “why I don’t have to if someone else does” today can lead to really dangerous attitudes. ” Concern the CTS coordinator Agostino Miozzonow, with “smaller numbers” and Christmas just around the corner, “it is the smart ones” who will try to circumvent the restrictions. “They can invalidate everyone’s sacrifices,” he explains, “that is why it would be convenient to strengthen controls and strictly enforce the law and sanctions.”

Dr. Miozzo, we are waiting for the government’s FAQ to clarify all aspects of the Dpcm. But isn’t there a risk that between clarifications and specific cases we will become excessively lax?
“The risk of an exception becoming a kind of green light always exists, especially in Italy, where we tend not to have the same respect for government directions as they do in northern Europe or eastern countries. The Mediterranean peoples are more undisciplined, we are not discovering it now, although in the period of the first confinement we surprised everyone ».

However, the CTS has also proposed exceptions.
“It is true that we asked that the rules for moving in small towns be different. Imposing the impossibility of leaving the municipal territory in a town of one thousand or four thousand inhabitants, and in Italy there are many, is completely different from doing it in Rome. Those who live in the big city, in this absurd period, experience the benefits that those who live in a small town do not have. That said, we also realize that once exceptions are made, they become difficult to govern and manage.

Better to avoid them then.
“I don’t think it’s just that. A large part of the Italian population is respecting the recommendations. Then there are the usual astute ones who alter the balance between order and recommendation, they are the ones who navigate the spaces that leave the best intentions of the government. That is why the emulation mechanism is of concern. We need strict controls and important signals.

What type?
“If a person is arrested and this produces a self-certification that turns out to be false after verification, they cannot be fined 300 euros. Indeed, you must process it with a complaint for falsification in a public deed. To take it to the extreme you have to take it before a criminal judge, so there is no risk that the measures will be taken lightly. The message is not passed that it is a kind of fine for not parking, it turns out that whoever says “who cares” will always find it ».

Also because before December 21 the exodus seems inevitable.
«It is absolutely a risk, one or two days before the 21 and then on the return there will be beautiful scenes. On the other hand, the same Dpcm rightly says that you can return to your residential address. But this was a need dictated by the need to make an epidemiological point of view coexist with a social and economic one ”.

The southern regions will be filled with “newcomers” but will have more difficulties in terms of health.
«Of course, they are the regions of emigration for work, of people who are forced to live far from parents and relatives because they have no alternatives and, therefore, if they see that someone does not take the restrictions into account, they are willing to do the same . In this sense, prudential controls and recommendations are essential. You should not convey the message that you are going home and there are hugs and kisses as in the past.

About school? We asked to reopen before Christmas and now we are aiming for January 7, but aren’t we behind schedule if we don’t take care of transportation and other critical issues?
“I think we are far behind the vast majority of European countries. And I am not referring to the model of Sweden but to Spain, France, Germany or England, the countries that surround us and this is especially worrying for children. The CTS had suggested considering the openings but only if they are safe, verifying whether or not the conditions existed to reopen them in the national territory.

And what are these conditions? Exist?
“The conditions include transportation, health surveillance and the possibility of assistance from local health authorities. These are guaranteed in some places and not in others, but the problem mainly affects metropolitan areas. I do not see the reason why the institute of a town in the province of Parma should be closed because in Milan there are important numbers and objective problems ».

Thus? Reopens or in January?
“I look very carefully and confidently at the exercise that the prefects will do, given that they have been asked to take charge of an organization table on school issues. I am convinced that your authority will be able to accelerate a packed system.

Last update: 00:34

