Sardinia, two million rapid antigen tests are on the way: mass screening for Sardinians. The Region is launching a massive screening campaign with stations spread throughout the territory, and with the collaboration of health establishments and military doctors. “I have always argued – says the president of the Region Christian Solinas – the need to carry out a screening as widespread as possible among the population, to facilitate the detection of positives even asymptomatic, isolate the outbreaks and allow a rapid descent of the contagion curve ”. . Now, the president communicates, Ats has bought 1.1 million rapid oropharyngeal antigen tests with the option of another million, through a tender from Invitalia. Deliveries will begin next week, announces the president. These are fast swabs of two types: the first type, of which 800 thousand pieces are on the way, is a fast oropharyngeal swab capable of providing the result in 13 minutes. They cost € 1.29 each. There are also 200,000 rapid antigen tests on the way, always waiting 13 minutes, which perform the analysis of the sample using a small electrical device, at a total cost of 3.63 euros each. The degree of reliability is very high. The pads of the former type can also be used outdoors, in any type of location, while the latter require electricity. “With this survey campaign – says the president – we can finally implement the model of what is practiced in Korea, Singapore and in various areas of the world, which allows us to quickly identify the positives and immediately foresee isolation, to protect everyone the citizens. To implement this project and create a true “Sardinian model” we will make use of Prof. Andrea Crisanti, who has chosen to collaborate with our Region with words of gratitude for what we have done in recent months in managing the pandemic ”.